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Pitch Projects Dropdown

matsteele edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 3 revisions

SPRINT GOAL - “Build out pitch projects drop down to incorporate the actually needed variables, using helping modules, while creating the algorithms for inferring the data points from the cash flow inputted. And sense the blockchain functionality for pitchProject is finished, we will link this to start integrating the blockchain functionality. ”



Create form that allows the developer to pitch projects, whose attributes will populate the database with project specific info that will be used for data visualizations throughout.


The ethos around the module is to take in the cashflow input, and then use this as a basis for the valuation and the capital required.

Input Variables

  • Project Name Field
  • Map - latitude / longitude coordinates
  • Current Quarter
  • Upload PDF
  • Model ID (no input = | input = opens rendering of 3D model)


Entry Action - user clicks “manage” from home screen to open Pitch Project Module.

User Action - enter input variables

Feature Action - Auto populate

  • Discount Rate
  • Valuation
  • Capital Raised
  • Coins to be issued - future development with blockchain by Steven

Exit Action - user clicks submit to create



  • Project added to geographical force map/project graph

* Project Module created

- [ ] Must fix bug where project thermo is not rendering correctly, may have to do with incorrect Project close date (Probably from rails default, date is 18-10-25). Also, capital raised is null on hover of project thermo, so that is a bug that should be addressed as well.

Output Variables:

  • Projected - cashflow
  • Actual cashflow
  • Accumulated actual cashflow
  • Accumulated projected cashflow


location data

Drop-Pin Modal: After the user types in an initial latitude and longitude on the form, they can click the drop pin button to open up a leaflet modal that shows them the coordinates on a map. They can then move the pin around as desired or enter new coordinates.

cashflow structuring module

To be reused in the project modules when in edit mode for editing the cashflows of a project. Ideally future cashflows will stem from blockchain dividend distributions.
  • Discount Factor
    Allowed users to upload a json file with cashflow information on their project containing the Actual Cashflows to their project, and Projected Cashflows to their project, based on economic research. Created functions in order to calculate discount factor based on the users inputted cashflows, in order to Calculate Net Present Value. Grabbed all of the Capital Deployed. The formula is
  • Essentially, NPV = (Today’s value of the expected cash flows) – (Today’s value of invested cash). We calculate the total capital deployed, and calculate the discount factor using the following equation:
    • 50% - (TotalCapitalDeployed / 190,000) + #ofFailedProjects* 6)
    • We add conditional logic to ensure that if the discount factor ever falls below 10%, the minimum discount factor applied is 10%.
  • We pass in this discount factor into our NetPresentValue function as the first argument, and the cashflows get passed in.
    • Note - created for now, will be adapted in the future.

3d model and business plan

The developer will be required to input a business plan with each project pitch which is expected to substantiated the cashflows and provide details about the business logic for the proposed project.

The 3d model is an optional add on. An iframe of the 3d model will show in each project module, providing investors with a clear glimpse of the design and layout of the proposed project.


The description should be summary, at most 500 words.

[ ] limit description to 500 words

Future Development

Minor Bugs:

  • input cashflow graph from project module into the cashflow data structuring module
  • remove required lat/long entry in pitch module
  • Window for structuring data
  • Potentially link to a google doc instead
    • have the google doc have functionality for converting monthly data or yearly data into quarterly data
  • Variables for changes in rate over time
    • Votes contributed
    • Change on each project completed
    • Cashflow to capital ratio
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