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dev frameworks

matsteele edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 2 revisions


[ ] why ethereum?



Using Drizzle for integration with React

Front-end Integration Examples:

[ ] input discussion of why we chose note to use drizzle

Infura Integration

We intend to deploy using resources built from the Infura Infrastructure project. The infrastructure integrates with the deployment code and allows you to run a node online/in the cloud, securely, for your site. Currently this service is free, but it is unclear for how long it will remain so. If we don’t use Infura, Gas limit / allocation will become an issue as we scale up the functionality of the contracts.

We are using Infura via MetaMask, but eventually we want to integrate using Infura directly. This would potentially require user authentication.

Metamask is a quick way to facilitate interactions with the blockchain through Infura, but that functionality can be built into the website using Infura by hosting node in the cloud. If we had both, Metamask injections could complicate the set-up with Infura, as we would need to disable Metamask upon each use of the site.

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