Virtual Mouse makes human computer interaction simple by making use of Hand Gestures. The computer requires almost no direct contact. All i/o operations can be virtually controlled by using static and dynamic hand gestures.
Developed using Comuter-Vision based approach for controlling the mouse movement using Python and openCV with real-time camera that detects hand landmarks, tracks gesture patterns instead of a physical mouse.
-(For image processing and drawing)mediapipe
-(For Hand Tracking)pyautogui
-(For controlling the mouse movement and click)numpy
-(For Mouse Movement and positon)os
-(To start a certain-file)win32com
-(For computer/device voice)webbrowser
-(To open a browser, and search for command)plyer
-(To send error/working notifications)pygame
-(To Play music)
To install all the required dependencies/libraries use command below in the folder where the requirement.txt and other files are saved.
pip install -r requirement.txt
Version - 1
- Click of the Pointer
- Moving Pointer
- Volume change Control
- Quitting
Version 1 - 1stupdated
- Playing Music via Swipe Gesture
- Quitting via Swipe Gesture
Version 1 - 2ndupdate
- Opens Google and a given Application of your device via swipe
- Added voice to some function working
Version - 2
- Updated Library for Mouse Movements, Click
- Scroll Movement UP/DOWN
- Right Click Functioanlity
To setup the system for development on your local machine, please follow the instructions below:
Clone the repository to your machine
git clone
Run the
python file.