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UG_Special Topics_Custom Data Processors in Python

Alejandro Martinez edited this page Jul 18, 2024 · 42 revisions

Custom Data Processors in Python

The ability to create custom data processors in Python, called Python fixes, is a new GoldenCheetah v3.5 feature accessible via Menu BarEdit > Python fixes

Python Fixes Menu

This menu item is automatically available when Python embedding is enabled in GoldenCheetah, see Working with Python for details.

It allows to run existing custom data processors (Fix Missing Initial Temperature and Add Weather Data, in this example). to manage existing custom data processors (edit and delete) and to create new custom data processors in Python.

Running Existing Python Fixes

Existing Python fixes can be executed directly from Menu BarEdit > Python Fixes -> name of the Python Fixes and they behave like builtin Data Processors: they are able to add, modify and delete standard or XData series for the currently selected activity in Activities View.

They can also be executed from the filter box using postprocess and autoprocess functions, like built in data processors.

These changes are subject to Undo/Redo in Editor until they are made permanent via Save or discarded via Revert to Saved Version or Exit without saving.

Python fixes can be enabled to run automatically on import or save, like built in data processors. Be careful to use getTag to access metadata since activityMetrics is not valid in this context.

Managing Existing Python Fixes

Menu Bar Edit > Python fixes > Manage Python Fixes... menu allows to see existing custom data processors, and select one to edit or delete:

Manage Python Fixes

Editing a Python Fix is similar to creating a new one but prefilled with the name and script for the selected Python Fix.

Creating New Python Fixes

The following dialog window allows to create a new Python Fix (or edit an existing one) editing the name and script on the upper left panel, and test its behaviour on the selected activity, which is shown in the Editor on the right panel. Script output is shown in the lower left panel, which behaves like an standard Python interpreter REPL.

This is handy since it allows to preview the data, both standard and XData, run the data processor using Run button and immediately see the script effects on the selected activity, undo them if needed and run again, until you are satisfied enough to save and close to create a new Python Fix (or edit an existing one) with the provided name and script.

Create and Edit Python Fixes

To access activity data the Python script uses the GC activity API, which in the context of a custom data processor is augmented with the ability to modify the objects returned by GC.series and GC.xdataSeries by assignment to object[index], as shown in the example, since they implement __setitem__.

All standard series are created by default, but they are marked as not present when all values are zero, so you can make a standard series present just setting some item to non zero value. For example GC.series(GC.SERIES_WATTS)[0]=999 will make the power series present.

Additionally the objects returned by xdataSeries support append and remove methods, and the Python-API was extended with the following methods available for custom data processors:

  • GC.deleteActivitySample(index, activity) to delete standard data rows
  • GC.deleteSeries(type, activity) to delete standard data columns
  • GC.postProcess(processor) to execute another data processor
  • GC.createXDataSeries(xdata, series, unit) to create a new XData series

All of them return True or False to indicate success or failure.

In v3.5 is not possible to manage metadata or metrics override in Python data processors, but this can be accomplished using filters.

Metadata and Metrics Override handling

New in v3.6, similar to set/unset/isset in formulas:

  • GC.setTag(name, value[, activity]) to set metadata field or override metric name to value for activity, defaults to current activity when not present, value must be of type str.
  • GC.delTag(name[, activity]) to delete metadata field or override metric name from activity, defaults to current activity when not present.
  • GC.hasTag(name[, activity]) to check if metadata field or override metric name is set for activity, defaults to current activity when not present.
  • GC.getTag(name[, activity]) to get metadata field or override metric name value string for activity, defaults to current activity when not present.

All but getTag return a boolean success indicator, setTag and delTag also mark the activity as modified and notify metadata has changed on success.


The following examples were motivated by users requests:

Fix Temp Example

The first is a simple one: Garmin 800 devices are slow to start to report temperature so at the start there are several samples without the data which messes some charts, this script search for the first valid temperature data and uses it to fill the missing values from the start:

# pad temperature (assuming -255 == unset)
activity = GC.activity()
if 'temperature' in activity.keys():
	temp = activity['temperature']

	# find first Temp
	firstTemp = None
	for i, a in enumerate(temp):
		if a != -255:
			firstTemp = (i, a)
	# pad missing vals
	for i in range(0, firstTemp[0]):
		temp[i] = firstTemp[1]

Fix Garmin-Stryd Power and Running Dynamics

This example is intended to override Power and Running Dynamics standard fields recorded by a Garmin device with native power (s.t. 255 or 955) and Running Dynamics sensor with the corresponding field from a paired Stryd sensor, if the target series is not present a new one is automatically created:

activity = GC.activity()
series = activity.keys()
if 'DEVELOPER_POWER-2' in series:
	power = GC.series(GC.SERIES_WATTS)
	for i,p in enumerate(activity['DEVELOPER_POWER-2']):
		power[i] = p
if 'DEVELOPER_CADENCE-2' in series:
	rcad = GC.series(GC.SERIES_RCAD)
	for i,c in enumerate(activity['DEVELOPER_CADENCE-2']):
		rcad[i] = c
if 'DEVELOPER_RUNVERT-2' in series:
	rvert = GC.series(GC.SERIES_RVERT)
	for i,v in enumerate(activity['DEVELOPER_RUNVERT-2']):
		rvert[i] = v
if 'DEVELOPER_RUNCONTACT-2' in series:
	rcontact = GC.series(GC.SERIES_RCONTACT)
	for i,c in enumerate(activity['DEVELOPER_RUNCONTACT-2']):
		rcontact[i] = c

Add Weather Data

This one is slightly more complex, it creates a WEATHER XData series with TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, WINDSPEED and WINDHEADING and it adds a Weather record at 1h intervals, it uses the Meteostat api so you need to get your own API key from and insert in the code.

import requests
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import datetime

VERSION = "v1/"
STATION = "stations/"
NEARBY = "nearby/"
HISTORY = "history/"
HOURLY = "hourly/"
QUERY = "?"
timezone= "Europe/London"

def main():
    # Weather XData series, compatible with FIT Importer
    GC.createXDataSeries("WEATHER", "TEMPERATURE", "celsius")
    GC.createXDataSeries("WEATHER", "HUMIDITY", "%")
    GC.createXDataSeries("WEATHER", "WINDSPEED", "kmh")
    GC.createXDataSeries("WEATHER", "WINDDIRECTION", "degrees")
    GC.createXDataSeries("WEATHER", "DEWPOINT", "celsius")

    act_date = GC.activityMetrics()["date"]
    act_time = GC.activityMetrics()["time"]
    act_duration = GC.activityMetrics()["Duration"]

    # Standard activity data to get lat/long
    seconds = list(GC.series(GC.SERIES_SECS))
    lat = GC.series(GC.SERIES_LAT)
    lon = GC.series(GC.SERIES_LON)

    # Get weather information once on center or your ride
    station, station_name = get_station_id_nearby((sum(lat)/len(lat)), (sum(lon)/len(lon)))
    print("Station found Number: " + str(station) + " Name: " + str(station_name))
    weather = get_weather_info(station, act_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), act_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))

    # Determine if not an whole hour is found get nearest
    act_datetime = datetime.combine(act_date, act_time)
    i = 1
    while duration_in_ride <= act_duration:
        next_hour = datetime(act_date.year, act_date.month,, act_time.hour + i, 0)
        duration_in_ride = (next_hour - act_datetime).seconds
        if duration_in_ride <= act_duration:
            # find weather record
            when = act_datetime + timedelta(seconds=duration_in_ride)
            found = False
            for weather_record in weather['data']:
                local_time = weather_record['time_local']
                local_time = datetime.strptime(local_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
                if local_time == when:
                    found = True
                    print("Weather_record: " + str(weather_record))
                    GC.xdataSeries("WEATHER", "secs").append(duration_in_ride)
                    index = len(GC.xdataSeries("WEATHER", "secs"))-1
                    GC.xdataSeries("WEATHER", "TEMPERATURE")[index] = weather_record['temperature']
                    GC.xdataSeries("WEATHER", "HUMIDITY")[index] = weather_record['humidity']
                    GC.xdataSeries("WEATHER", "WINDSPEED")[index] = weather_record['windspeed']
                    GC.xdataSeries("WEATHER", "WINDDIRECTION")[index] = weather_record['winddirection']
                    GC.xdataSeries("WEATHER", "DEWPOINT")[index] = weather_record['dewpoint']
            if not found:
                print("NO WEAHTER RECORD FOUND AT TIME: " + str(when))
            print("Next retrial is outside ride so skip")
        i += 1

def get_station_id_nearby(lat, lon):
    source = {"lat": lat,
              "lon": lon,
              "limit": 1,
              "key": API_KEY,
    resp = requests.get(BASE_URL + VERSION + STATION + NEARBY + QUERY, params=source)
    if resp.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception("GET " + BASE_URL + VERSION + STATION + NEARBY + QUERY + " ret: " + str(resp.status_code))
    return resp.json()['data'][0]['id'], resp.json()['data'][0]['name']

def get_weather_info(station, start, end):
    station_history = {"station": station,
                       "start": start,
                       "end": end,
                       "time_zone": timezone,
                       "time_format": "Y-m-d H:i",
                       "key": API_KEY,

    resp = requests.get(BASE_URL + VERSION + HISTORY + HOURLY + QUERY, params=station_history)
    if resp.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception("GET " + BASE_URL + VERSION + STATION + NEARBY + QUERY + " ret: " + str(resp.status_code))
    return resp.json()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Another example for filtering spikes in power data for MTB rides. Downhill segments often produce power spikes when riding downhill on trails/rough terrain due to impacts. The filter is removing all spikes on downhill slopes that are above a certain threshold.

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import linregress

def movingWindowSlope(altitude,window=5):

    for i in range(window,len(altitude)):
        slope, intercept, r_value, p_value,std_err=linregress(range(0,window),altitude[i-window:i])
        return trendMat

## import data
ride = GC.activity()

powerFiltered[(powerFiltered>maxValue) & (slope<=0)]=0

for i in range(0,len(power)):

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