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ServerMod Installation (Windows)

laserman367 edited this page Jul 15, 2020 · 11 revisions

Setting up a dedicated server with the ServerMod steam tool:

  1. Create a new directory, name it whatever you wish, for instance scpserver. Inside of that new directory, make a new directory called steamcmd.

  2. Download SteamCMD, and extract it in the steamcmd folder you just created. Be aware that it will fill the folder with its own files later which is why we made it into it's own subfolder.

  3. Create a new file called update.bat in the steamcmd folder. Edit it with a text editor such as NotePad++ and paste the following into it:

:: This script installs an SCP:SL server in the parent folder of the one it is placed in.

:: Default game
steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir "../" +app_update 786920 validate +quit

:: If there are errors or it doesn't download the server correctly, remove +quit from the line and run it again.
:: This will make SteamCMD stay open after the update has finished and show you any errors that have occurred. If you want the window to close after it's done remove pause below:

  1. Save the file and run it. If you made no changes to the above script it will now install the SCP:SL server in the scpserver folder (or whatever you named it) and then close automatically when done.

  2. Run either LocalAdmin or MultiAdmin (which comes preinstalled with the ServerMod steam tool).

Installing ServerMod manually (not needed if you have the steam tool):

Important: You cannot run Smod on a server you host from within the game, you have to get a dedicated server.

  1. Download Assembly-CSharp.dll and Smod2.dll from the latest release or from some other release in the releases tab (or our Discord in the case of prereleases or betas).

  2. Navigate to "SCPSL_Data\Managed" inside of your SCP:SL server folder and place the downloaded Assembly-CSharp.dll and Smod2.dll there.

  • Recommended: Remove steam_appid.txt in the server folder. This causes you to show up as playing SCP:SL on steam & can prevent you from launching the client.

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