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Mark Nottingham edited this page Jun 26, 2015 · 25 revisions

HTTP Workshop Agenda [DRAFT]

Daily Template

Each day will have the same basic structure:

  • 08:30 - Coffee, settling in
  • 09:00 - Session 1
  • 10:30 - Morning break
  • 11:00 - Session 2
  • 12:30 - Lunch
  • 13:30 - Session 3
  • 15:30 - Afternoon break
  • 16:00 - Session 4
  • 17:30 - Break for day - we may break early some days

Some sessions will include planned presentations to get discussion going, but the main focus will always be on generating discussion, not just sitting and watching slides. As a result, we will give strong instructions to presenters to assume an expert audience, to be concise, and to identify major questions and unknowns to spur further discussion.

A few sessions are identified as "unconference" sessions. Planning for them happens over on the Unconference wiki page - please suggest a session there if you have a specific topic you'd like to discuss or an idea you'd like to present.

The mapping to sessions below is rough, and we expect to adapt the agenda as the workshop progresses.

Monday, 27 July 2015

  • Session 1: Welcome, introductions, discuss agenda, housekeeping
    • Presentation: HTTP, In Theory (Roy Fielding)
  • Session 2: HTTP in practice: clients, server and intermediary viewpoints and concerns
    • Presentation: A Browser's View of HTTP (Patrick McManus)
    • Presentation: An Intermediary's View of HTTP (Poul-Henning Kamp)
  • Session 3: HTTP/2: experiences, experiments and issues
  • Presentation: HTTP/2 Implementation Experiences (Stefan Eissing)
  • Session 4: Unconference

On Monday night, dinner is sponsored by Mozilla. Please RSVP with the supplied form.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

  • Session 1: HTTP and the Transport Layer: UDP, DTLS, QUIC, cell networks, etc.
  • Presentation: HTTP and the Transport Layer (Jana Iyengar)
  • Presentation: QUIC (Jana Iyengar)
  • Presentation: QUIC evaluation (Gaetano Carlucci)
  • Session 2: HTTP and the Transport Layer (continued)
  • Session 3: HTTP and the Transport Layer (continued)
  • Session 4: A Walk Through Münster - we'll wonder around town and continue the discussion.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

  • Session 1: HTTP Security and Privacy: PKI, HTTPS everywhere, authentication, cookies, fingerprinting, onion routing
  • Presentation: HTTP Security Overview (Eric Rescorla)
  • Presentation: HTTP Privacy and Anonymity (Mike Perry)
  • Session 2: HTTP Security and Privacy (continued)
  • Session 3: HTTP Semantics - Headers, Methods and Status codes, and more subtle things
  • Presentation: Evolving HTTP Header Fields (Julian Reschke)
  • Session 4: Unconference

On Wednesday night, dinner is sponsored by Google. Please RSVP with the supplied form.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

  • Session 1: Caching and CDNs: interaction with encryption, content negotiation, cache keys, routing, alt-svc
  • Presentation: Caching, Intermediation and the Modern Web (Martin Thomson)
  • Session 2: Caching and CDNs (continued)
  • Session 3: What's missing: Identify what else HTTP needs (or doesn't)
  • Session 4: Wrap-up: conclusions, feedback, next steps