This is Harish, I am:
- 👨🔬A skilled Machine Learning Engineer with hands-on experience in vision processing, fraud detection, and text-based GenAI solutions.
- ❓Proficient in optimizing ML libraries for enhanced efficiency.
- 📁Published researcher in automated reasoning systems.
- 💻CS Student with a Strong background in Algorithms and Data Structures
- 🧠Demonstrated ability to lead projects from concept to execution.
You can find me singing a song 🎵 or playing my violin 🎻 while my laptop is busy training an ML model:)
- MEng AI-ML at the University of Waterloo
- BTech CSE at IIITDM, Kancheepuram
Tech Skills:
Languages: Proficient: Python, C, C++; Basic: R, Verilog, ARM, and Javascript.
Libraries/Frameworks: PyTorch, Tensorflow, PyTesseract, Langchain, OpenCV, Scikit-learn, NumPy, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS.
Tools: MySQL, Logisim, Photoshop, WordPress, Xilinx ISE, Linux, IAR Embedded Workbench, Git, Blender, and Amazon S3.
How to reach me: Mail me at
You can also find me on LinkedIn