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[flash] native property support rework (#8241)
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* add metadata

* factor out the assignment generation function

* merge this/super.field() call processing into the generic field call case

* extract field call generation into a separate function

* add a note

* rewrite extern get_/set_ calls to a property access (when the property is there)

* extract some functions

* extract more fucntions

* only consider non-physical properties when searching for properties for an accessor

* implement native getter/setter generation

* make swf loader generate proper get/set properties

* support private fields in genhxold

* patch getter/setter along with property type

* regenerate flash externs with new extern properties

* also rewrite static extern property accessors

* also generate static native properties

* remove, we don't really need it

* realize inherited fake accessors that are required by interfaces

* do not try to "realize" methods on interfaces, lol

* don't process interfaces that are already implemented by the super class

* also generate native getter/setter for properties with inherited get_/set_

* bring back the old overriding logic for normal @:getter/@:setter methods

* re-introduce

* only consider properties for generating native property(access)

* really bring back the old overriding logic for normal @:getter/@:setter methods

* error when implementing a native property without marking it with

* make as3 tests pass

should be good enough

* add some tests
  • Loading branch information
nadako authored May 7, 2019
1 parent ade3bf6 commit 8fec5fc
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Showing 256 changed files with 3,827 additions and 1,314 deletions.
54 changes: 47 additions & 7 deletions src/codegen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -320,26 +320,66 @@ let build_class com c file =
| Some (t1,meta1), Some (t2,meta2) -> true, true, (if t1 <> t2 then None else t1), meta1 @ (List.filter (fun m -> not (List.mem m meta1)) meta2)
) in
let t = if name = "endian" then Some (HMPath (["flash";"utils"],"Endian")) else t in
let flags = [APublic,null_pos] in
let flags = if stat then (AStatic,null_pos) :: flags else flags in
let flags, accessor_flags = [APublic,null_pos], [APrivate,null_pos] in
let flags, accessor_flags = if stat then (AStatic,null_pos) :: flags, (AStatic,null_pos) :: accessor_flags else flags, accessor_flags in
let property_typehint = Some (make_dyn_type t,null_pos) in
let fields = [] in
let read_access, fields =
if get then
let getter = {
cff_name = "get_" ^ name,null_pos;
cff_pos = pos;
cff_doc = None;
cff_access = accessor_flags;
cff_meta = [];
cff_kind = FFun {
f_params = [];
f_args = [];
f_type = property_typehint;
f_expr = None;
} in
("get",null_pos), getter :: fields
("never",null_pos), fields
let write_access, fields =
if set then
let setter = {
cff_name = "set_" ^ name,null_pos;
cff_pos = pos;
cff_doc = None;
cff_access = accessor_flags;
cff_meta = [];
cff_kind = FFun {
f_params = [];
f_args = [(("value",null_pos),false,[],property_typehint,None)];
f_type = property_typehint;
f_expr = None;
} in
("set",null_pos), setter :: fields
("never",null_pos), fields
cff_name = name,null_pos;
cff_pos = pos;
cff_doc = None;
cff_access = flags;
cff_meta = meta;
cff_kind = if get && set then FVar (Some (make_dyn_type t,null_pos), None) else FProp (((if get then "default" else "never"),null_pos),((if set then "default" else "never"),null_pos),Some (make_dyn_type t,null_pos),None);
cff_meta = (Meta.FlashProperty,[],pos) :: meta;
cff_kind = FProp (read_access,write_access,property_typehint,None);
} :: fields
let fields = Hashtbl.fold (fun (name,stat) t acc ->
if Hashtbl.mem override (name,stat) then acc else
make_get_set name stat (Some t) (try Some (Hashtbl.find setters (name,stat)) with Not_found -> None) :: acc
make_get_set name stat (Some t) (try Some (Hashtbl.find setters (name,stat)) with Not_found -> None) @ acc
) getters fields in
let fields = Hashtbl.fold (fun (name,stat) t acc ->
if Hashtbl.mem getters (name,stat) || Hashtbl.mem override (name,stat) then
make_get_set name stat None (Some t) :: acc
make_get_set name stat None (Some t) @ acc
) setters fields in
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ type strict_meta =
| Final
| Fixed
| FlatEnum
| FlashProperty
| Font
| ForLoopVariable
| Forward
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,6 +258,7 @@ let get_info = function
| Final -> ":final",("Prevents a class or interface from being extended or a method from being overriden",[UsedOnEither [TClass;TClassField]])
| Fixed -> ":fixed",("Delcares an anonymous object to have fixed fields",[ (*UsedOn TObjectDecl(_)*)])
| FlatEnum -> ":flatEnum",("Internally used to mark an enum as being flat, i.e. having no function constructors",[UsedOn TEnum; UsedInternally])
| FlashProperty -> "",("",[UsedOn TClassField; Platform Flash])
| Font -> ":font",("Embeds the given TrueType font into the class (must extend flash.text.Font)",[HasParam "TTF path";HasParam "Range String";UsedOn TClass])
| ForLoopVariable -> ":forLoopVariable",("Internally used to mark for-loop variables",[UsedInternally])
| Forward -> ":forward",("Forwards field access to underlying type",[HasParam "List of field names";UsedOn TAbstract])
Expand Down
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
The Haxe Compiler
Copyright (C) 2005-2019 Haxe Foundation
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
open Type

let is_getter_name name = ExtString.String.starts_with name "get_"
let is_setter_name name = ExtString.String.starts_with name "set_"
let get_property_name accessor_name = String.sub accessor_name 4 (String.length accessor_name - 4)
let is_flash_property cf = Meta.has Meta.FlashProperty cf.cf_meta

let find_property_for_accessor ~isget cl tl accessor_name =
let prop_name = get_property_name accessor_name in
match Type.class_field cl tl prop_name with
| Some (prop_cl, prop_tl), _, prop_cf ->
(match prop_cf.cf_kind with
| Var { v_read = AccCall; v_write = AccCall | AccNever } when isget && is_flash_property prop_cf -> Some (prop_cl, prop_tl, prop_cf)
| Var { v_read = AccCall | AccNever; v_write = AccCall } when not isget && is_flash_property prop_cf -> Some (prop_cl, prop_tl, prop_cf)
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None
with Not_found ->

let is_extern_instance_accessor ~isget cl tl cf =
if cl.cl_extern && (if isget then is_getter_name cf.cf_name else is_setter_name cf.cf_name) then
find_property_for_accessor ~isget cl tl cf.cf_name

let find_static_property_for_accessor ~isget cl accessor_name =
let prop_name = get_property_name accessor_name in
let prop_cf = PMap.find prop_name cl.cl_statics in
(match prop_cf.cf_kind with
| Var { v_read = AccCall; v_write = AccCall | AccNever } when isget && is_flash_property prop_cf -> Some prop_cf
| Var { v_read = AccCall | AccNever; v_write = AccCall } when not isget && is_flash_property prop_cf -> Some prop_cf
| _ -> None)
with Not_found ->

let is_extern_static_accessor ~isget cl cf =
if cl.cl_extern && (if isget then is_getter_name cf.cf_name else is_setter_name cf.cf_name) then
find_static_property_for_accessor ~isget cl cf.cf_name
53 changes: 49 additions & 4 deletions src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@

open Type
open Common
open FlashProps

type context_infos = {
com : Common.context;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -533,11 +534,55 @@ and gen_call ctx e el r =
concat ctx "," (gen_value ctx) el;
spr ctx ")";
print ctx ") as %s)" s
| TField (e1, f), el ->
let default () = gen_call_default ctx e el in
let mk_prop_acccess prop_cl prop_tl prop_cf = mk (TField (e1, FInstance (prop_cl, prop_tl, prop_cf))) prop_cf.cf_type e.epos in
let mk_static_acccess cl prop_cf = mk (TField (e1, FStatic (cl, prop_cf))) prop_cf.cf_type e.epos in
let gen_assign lhs rhs = gen_expr ctx (mk (TBinop (OpAssign, lhs, rhs)) rhs.etype e.epos) in
match f, el with
| FInstance (cl, tl, cf), [] ->
(match is_extern_instance_accessor ~isget:true cl tl cf with
| Some (prop_cl, prop_tl, prop_cf) ->
let efield = mk_prop_acccess prop_cl prop_tl prop_cf in
gen_expr ctx efield
| None ->
default ())

| FInstance (cl, tl, cf), [evalue] ->
(match is_extern_instance_accessor ~isget:false cl tl cf with
| Some (prop_cl, prop_tl, prop_cf) ->
let efield = mk_prop_acccess prop_cl prop_tl prop_cf in
gen_assign efield evalue
| None ->
default ())

| FStatic (cl, cf), [] ->
(match is_extern_static_accessor ~isget:true cl cf with
| Some prop_cf ->
let efield = mk_static_acccess cl prop_cf in
gen_expr ctx efield
| None ->
default ())

| FStatic (cl, cf), [evalue] ->
(match is_extern_static_accessor ~isget:false cl cf with
| Some prop_cf ->
let efield = mk_static_acccess cl prop_cf in
gen_assign efield evalue
| None ->
default ())
| _ ->
default ()
| _ ->
gen_value ctx e;
spr ctx "(";
concat ctx "," (gen_value ctx) el;
spr ctx ")"
gen_call_default ctx e el

and gen_call_default ctx e el =
gen_value ctx e;
spr ctx "(";
concat ctx "," (gen_value ctx) el;
spr ctx ")"

and gen_value_op ctx e =
match e.eexpr with
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/generators/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ let generate_type com t =
let rec print_field stat f =
p "\t";
print_meta f.cf_meta;
if not (has_class_field_flag f CfPublic) then p "private ";
if stat then p "static ";
let name = try (match Meta.get Meta.RealPath f.cf_meta with
| (Meta.RealPath, [EConst( String s ), _], _) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ let generate_type com t =
p "%s" (String.concat "" (List.rev ext));
p " {\n";
let sort l =
let a = Array.of_list (List.filter (fun f -> has_class_field_flag f CfPublic && not (List.memq f c.cl_overrides)) l) in
let a = Array.of_list (List.filter (fun f -> not (List.memq f c.cl_overrides)) l) in
let name = function "new" -> "" | n -> n in
Array.sort (fun f1 f2 ->
match f1.cf_kind, f2.cf_kind with
Expand Down

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