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Using WGAN-gp and creating art portraits.

Losses and Optimizers

This module defines a class for handling optimizers and loss functions for a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) using TensorFlow and Keras.


  • Python 3.x
  • TensorFlow
  • Keras


To install the necessary libraries, you can use pip:

pip install tensorflow keras


The LossOptimizer class provides methods to create and utilize optimizers and loss functions for training GANs.


Create an instance of the LossOptimizer class:

from losses_optimizers import LossOptimizer

loss_optimizer = LossOptimizer()


The LossOptimizer class initializes two optimizers with the Adam optimizer:

  • generator_optimizer: Optimizer for the generator with a learning rate of 0.0001, beta_1 of 0.5, and beta_2 of 0.9.
  • discriminator_optimizer: Optimizer for the discriminator with a learning rate of 0.0001, beta_1 of 0.5, and beta_2 of 0.9.

Loss Functions

The class provides two static methods to compute the generator and discriminator losses:

  • generator_loss(fake_output): Computes the loss for the generator.
  • discriminator_loss(real_output, fake_output): Computes the loss for the discriminator.


Here is an example of how to use the LossOptimizer class:

import tensorflow as tf
from losses_optimizers import LossOptimizer

# Create an instance of the LossOptimizer class
loss_optimizer = LossOptimizer()

# Generate some example data
real_output = tf.random.normal([1, 10])
fake_output = tf.random.normal([1, 10])

# Compute losses
gen_loss = loss_optimizer.generator_loss(fake_output)
disc_loss = loss_optimizer.discriminator_loss(real_output, fake_output)

print("Generator Loss:", gen_loss.numpy())
print("Discriminator Loss:", disc_loss.numpy())

Generator and Discriminator Models

This module defines a class for creating the generator and discriminator models for a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) using TensorFlow and Keras.


The Models class provides methods to create the generator and discriminator models for training GANs.


Create an instance of the Models class:

from models import Models

models = Models()


The discriminator method builds and returns the discriminator model:

discriminator_model = models.discriminator()

The discriminator model consists of several convolutional layers, LeakyReLU activations, dropout layers, and layer normalization. It processes an input of shape (128, 128, 3) and outputs a single value indicating the realness of the input image.


The generator method builds and returns the generator model:

generator_model = models.generator()

The generator model takes a latent vector of shape (128,) and transforms it through several dense and convolutional transpose layers with batch normalization and LeakyReLU activations, producing an output image of shape (128, 128, 3) with tanh activation.


Here is an example of how to use the Models class:

from models import Models

# Create an instance of the Models class
models = Models()

# Build the discriminator model
discriminator = models.discriminator()

# Build the generator model
generator = models.generator()

# Print model summaries

Here is a README file that describes the WGAN_gp class and the Monitor callback:

WGAN with Gradient Penalty and Training Monitor

This module defines a class for implementing Wasserstein GAN with Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP) using TensorFlow and Keras, along with a custom callback for monitoring the training process.


  • Python 3.x
  • TensorFlow
  • Keras


To install the necessary libraries, you can use pip:

pip install tensorflow keras


WGAN_gp Class

The WGAN_gp class extends the Keras Model class to implement WGAN with Gradient Penalty.


Create an instance of the WGAN_gp class by providing the generator and discriminator models along with the latent dimension size:

from wgan_gp import WGAN_gp

# Assuming generator and discriminator models are already defined
wgan_gp = WGAN_gp(generator, discriminator, latent_dim=128)


Compile the model by specifying the generator and discriminator loss functions and optimizers:



Train the model using the fit method:, epochs=100, callbacks=[Monitor(num_img=5, latent_dim=128)])

Monitor Class

The Monitor callback class saves generated images at the end of each epoch and logs the loss values.


Create an instance of the Monitor class by specifying the number of images to generate and the latent dimension size:

from wgan_gp import Monitor

monitor = Monitor(num_img=5, latent_dim=128)


Here is an example of how to use both the WGAN_gp and Monitor classes together:

from wgan_gp import WGAN_gp, Monitor
import tensorflow as tf

# Assuming generator and discriminator models, and loss functions and optimizers are defined
generator = ...
discriminator = ...
generator_loss = ...
discriminator_loss = ...
generator_optimizer = ...
discriminator_optimizer = ...

# Create WGAN-GP model
wgan_gp = WGAN_gp(generator, discriminator, latent_dim=128)

# Compile the model

# Create dataset (replace with actual dataset)
dataset = ...

# Initialize Monitor callback
monitor = Monitor(num_img=5, latent_dim=128)

# Train the model, epochs=100, callbacks=[monitor])

Model Description

WGAN_gp Class

  • Initialization: The class is initialized with a generator model, a discriminator model, and the latent dimension size. It also sets the gradient penalty weight and the number of extra discriminator steps.
  • Compilation: The compile method sets the loss functions and optimizers for the generator and discriminator, and initializes metrics for tracking losses.
  • Gradient Penalty: The gradient_penalty method computes the gradient penalty for a batch of real and fake images.
  • Training Step: The train_step method performs a single training step, updating the discriminator multiple times for each update of the generator. It calculates losses, applies gradient penalties, and updates the model weights.

Monitor Class

  • Initialization: The class is initialized with the number of images to generate and the latent dimension size.
  • Epoch End: The on_epoch_end method generates images using the generator model and saves them to disk. It also logs the current epoch and loss values to a text file.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • This module uses TensorFlow and Keras libraries for deep learning functionalities.