Source code of - dockerized open source Deno application that gets and caches electricity prices (spot price) from ENTSO-e.
Currently available in Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Spanish, French, Polish and German.
Any feedback on translations are greatly appreciated. Contribute by opening an issue, or by creating a pull request. Each language has it's own file
in config/translations
Start the project, pass your Entso-e api key in environment variable API_TOKEN
(in windows powershell):
$env:API_TOKEN="your-entsoe-api-token"; deno task dev
Pull requests are very welcome! Please run deno task precommit
before submitting a pr. This will make sure format, linting, types are up to
standards, and tests pass.
To update fresh framework using recommended method:
deno task update-fresh
To check for general dependency updates:
deno task update-deps
Apply the updates manually
Also check SwHead.tsx
for dependencies included by script tags.
Note that the types declarations in deno.json have to be updated if updating dependencies in import_map.json
or script-tags in SwHead.tsx
Spotweb is set up to run using Pup in production. Follow tre quick guide there to run pup run
or install as a
system service pup install --name spotweb
The database will be stored in <project-directory>/db/
-v /path/on/host/spotweb/db:/spotweb/db