This repository how to use Docker and Kubernetes with Java Applications.
- Docker:
- Maven:
- Kubectl:
- Oracle Kubernetes Engine OKE:
The javaee-cafe is the basic Java EE 8 application used throughout the Docker and Kubertenes demos. It is a simple CRUD application. It uses Maven and Java EE 8 (JAX-RS, EJB, CDI, JPA, JSF, Bean Validation).
You can use any Maven capable IDE such as NetBeans. We use Open Liberty but you should be able to use any Java EE 8 compatible application server such as WildFly or Payara. We use Postgres but you can use any relational database such as MySQL.
The application is composed of:
A RESTFul service:* protocol://hostname:port/javaee-cafe/rest/coffees
- GET by Id: protocol://hostname:port/javaee-cafe/rest/coffees/{id}
- GET all: protocol://hostname:port/javaee-cafe/rest/coffees
- POST to add a new element at: protocol://hostname:port/javaee-cafe/rest/coffees
- DELETE to delete an element at: protocol://hostname:port/javaee-cafe/rest/coffees/{id}
A JSF Client: protocol://hostname:port/javaee-cafe/index.xhtml
Open a console. Add maven to PATH:
export PATH=/Library/Maven/apache-maven-3.5.0/bin/:$PATH
Navigate to where you have this repository code in your file system. Compile and Package the application via maven:
mvn package -f javaee-cafe/pom.xml
Copy the .war file into docker directory:
cp javaee-cafe/target/javaee-cafe.war docker/
Make sure Docker is running. Build a Docker image tagged
issuing the command:docker build -t javaee-cafe docker/.
Note: If your Docker instance is running on Linux/Windows before to build the Docker image it is necessary to open the file server/server.xml and edit the serverName="docker.for.mac.localhost" of the dataSource to serverName="localhost"
Make sure Docker is running. Open a console.
Enter the following command and wait for the database to come up fully.
docker run -it --rm --name javaee-cafe-db -v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 5432:5432 postgres
To run the newly built image, use the command:
docker run -it --rm -p 9080:9080 javaee-cafe
Wait for Open Liberty to start and the application to deploy sucessfully (to stop the application and Liberty, simply press Control-C).
Once the application starts, you can test the REST service at the URL: http://localhost:9080/javaee-cafe/rest/coffees or via the JSF client at http://localhost:9080/javaee-cafe/index.xhtml.
Copy the .war file into kubernetes directory:
cp javaee-cafe/target/javaee-cafe.war kubernetes/
Log in to Docker Hub using the docker login command:
docker login
Build a Docker image and push the image to Docker Hub:
docker build -t <your Docker Hub account>/javaee-cafe:<your docker image version> kubernetes/. docker push <your Docker Hub account>/javaee-cafe:<your docker image version>
Open a terminal.
List the containers running in a Cluster:
kubectl get pods
Start the proxy to the Kubernetes API server:
kubectl proxy
Once the Oracle Kubernetes Engine Console starts, you can login at the URL: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#!/login
Deploy postgres with a persistent volume claim with the following command:
kubectl create -f kubernetes/postgres.yml
Get the pod for Postgres:
kubectl get pods
Connect to Postgres:
kubectl exec -it postgres-<VER POD> -- psql -U postgres
On Postgres and run the command
to see the tables, '\q' to logout Postgres -
Create a config map with the hostname of Postgres:
kubectl create configmap hostname-config --from-literal=postgres_host=$(kubectl get svc postgres -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}")
Replace the
<your Docker Hub account>
value with your account name inkubernetes/javaee-cafe.yml
file, then deploy the application:kubectl create -f kubernetes/javaee-cafe.yml
Get the External IP address of the Service, then the application will be accessible at
http://<External IP Address>:9080/javaee-cafe
:kubectl get svc javaee-cafe
Note: It may take a few minutes for the load balancer to be created.
Scale your application:
kubectl scale deployment javaee-cafe --replicas=3
Delete the Java EE deployment:
kubectl delete -f kubernetes/javaee-cafe.yml
Delete the hostname config map:
kubectl delete cm hostname-config
Delete Postgres:
kubectl delete -f kubernetes/postgres.yml