This is the source code of a course project form Technical University - Sofia that aims to create a 32-modulus (5-bit / MOD-32) counter using the Programmable Logic Devices (PLD) on a FPGA chip.
It is intended to be used on Xilnx XC3S100
chip of the Spartan3E
May be used with TQ144 or CP132 package.
- Programmable counting module 32 - to have the ability to be assigned using the board's recources (buttons, switches) in the range 0 to 31
- Programmable direction / counting (upwards, downwards)
- To have two CLK modes:
- Manual: to be able to manually fire clock signal (using button on the board)
- Automatic: get the board's built-in clock (100MHz) and generate new clock signal whose period is 1s
Has Xilinx Spartan3E XC3S100
in it