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A Design-API using CSS and JavaScript inspirited from Microsoft Fluent Design

Lighted-web-design Image



How to use it

This design is based on CSS and Javascript. First, you have to implement this code in the <head>.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

For an example page, please download the example.html file from the example folder.
So let's start coding with Lighted-web-design API!


When you use our design you must first run the JavaScript-function "init();" at the bottom of your html-code: <script>init();</script>


Already implemented and documentated:

Comings soon:

  • search (with IDs)


You can use the <output></output> tag to create an new output.

Error: Use the class errorOutput
Warning: Use the class warningOutput
Notation: Use the class note

input textfield

The input, you can implement it like that:

    <input type="text" name="yourInput">

With Placeholder: <input type="text" name="yourInput" placeholder="yourPlaceholder">


The button, you can implement it like that:

<Button>Text of the button</Button>

For Javascript: <Button onclick="yourfunction()"></Button>


There are multiple headers: h1, h2, h3, ... The <h1> tag is very good for the title of a sub-page.

Drop down

This is the syntax for a drop down selection:

        <option value="value1">option 1</option>
        <option value="value2">option 2</option>

The value="" is for javascript.


To add a progessbar, add the tag div and add the class "progressbar".

<div class="progressbar"></div>

Next, you have to insert first the value in percent and then the width of the progressbar between the two tags.


                    value     width
                       \       /
                        \     /
<div class="progressbar">50,160</div>


We've made a navigation, wich looks nice and is easy to use:
Use the <nav> tag. Then insert elements with the tag <elem>. Add onclick="windowChange(window_num)" to the <elem> tag and insert the number of the window starting with 0.

To add a window simply add <div class="window"> yourCode </div> and put your code between the two tags.


    <elem onclick="toggle_menu();"></elem> <!--Menubutton-->
    <div onclick="windowChange(0)">my new window</div>


We've also added a ico css-class. It uses the icons from the "Segoe MDL2 Assets" font.
Simply add a span tag and add the class:
<span class="ico"> </span>
Between the two tags you can add your icon from Segoe MDL2 Assets.


This is a page layout with flexboxes. You can use a big and asmall layout of the flexboxes. Here is the code for the big one:

<!--Big flexbox-view-------------------------------------->
    <div class="flexbox-view">

        <!--Flexbox with image-->
        <div class="flex-item-b">
            <img src="defaultImg.png"> <!--Image has to be 100px*100px !-->
            Flexbox with image...        <!--Text-->

        <!--Flexbox with icon-->
        <div class="flex-item-b">
            <div class="flexview-icon-b"></div>  <!--These icons have the font 'Segoe MDL2 Assets'-->
            and with MDL2 Assets icon     <!--Text-->

        <!--Another two flex-boxes (with image)-->
        <div class="flex-item-b"><img src="defaultImg.png">Item 3</div>
        <div class="flex-item-b"><img src="defaultImg.png">Item 4</div>

And here for the small flexboxes:

<!--Small flexbox-view------------------------------------>
    <div class="flexbox-view">
        <div class="flex-item-s"><img src="defaultImg.png">Item 1</div>
        <div class="flex-item-s"><div class="flexview-icon-s"></div>Item 2</div>
        <div class="flex-item-s"><img src="defaultImg.png">Item 3</div>
        <div class="flex-item-s"><img src="defaultImg.png">Item 4</div>

Header image

THe header image is very good for the style of your website. Its the first picture at the top, you can also say the "title" picture. It works with javascript , so you have to implement it like that:

<script>headerImg("yourImage.jpg", 380);</script>

First, you add the URL fo your image ("yourImage.jpg"), then the size for scaling the image (380).


The ListView is similar to a table with three columns. It has an icon image, then the name and in the third column you can add detail informations. Here is an example with two rows:

<table class='listView'>
    <!--First row-->
        <td><img src="defaultImg.png" width="32px" height="32px"></td> <!--The image icon-->
        <td>This is the Name</td>
        <td>Some more informations</td>
    <!--Second row-->
        <td><img src="defaultImg.png" width="32px" height="32px"></td> <!--The image icon-->
        <td>This is the Name</td>
        <td>Some more informations</td>

File Input

We've styled a <input type="file"> button which is normally very difficult because you cannot style it with a CSS class. THis is the workaround using a second Button and adding the function with JQuery: First you have to implement JQuery in the <head>:

<script src=""></script>

Add the input and the JQuery-script in the <body>:

<Input type="file" id="input-file">

    $('#input-file').before('<input type="button" id="button-file" value="Your Button text" />');
    $('body').on('click', '#button-file', function() { 


We've added a Download-window which looks good and is very easy to implement with javaScript.
The only thing you have to do is to add a onclick-event to your element which runs the function download_window().


<button onclick="download_window('source', 'image', 'title')">