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Strée Eloi edited this page Jan 22, 2018 · 3 revisions

Golden Eye 64 Challenge

In one week, remake the GoldenEye 64 game for N64 under Unity.

1. Play the game for fun

2. Play the game with a developer eye

3. Identify each element in the game

  • UI for the object took
  • UI for the minition
  • Hand with the current gun
  • Box with equipment
  • Character moving with walking style
  • ...

4. Write all the game mechanic and component in "ToDo" tasks

5. For each task associate information

  • a Risk (1 = super easy to code - 10 = Near impossible but doable)
  • a priority ( A=Can play without, B= Important for the game, C= Can play without it, D= Nice To have)
  • a time estimation to do it (If you are not sure of the time, apply the PI law: "time estimation"*3.14 )

6. Create Milestones

Based on the time you have, 2 days - 9 days, schedule milestones with associate task of the game implementation.
Example for four days:

  • D1, morning, Players moving aroudn with gun:

    • Move a character,
    • hand with gun attach,
    • listen to controllers,
    • 4 splits screen
    • Create a quick level (20 minutes max)
  • D1, end of the day, Players shooting each other:

    • Create bullets doing damage to receiver
    • Create object that can be impacted by damage
    • Create object/player that can be destroyed by dammages
    • Give the possibility to a player to die
    • Create a respawn random point to death players
  • D2, morning, Weapon:

    • Create auto-aiming system
    • Create death count
    • Create a more arena level (1 hour max)
    • Display player life
    • Create/display level timer
  • "Tomorrow land"

    • Allow to have several weapons
    • Create auto-aiming system
    • Basic UI


Create minition to kill with the first part of the challenge and make a survival of it ^^!


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