This is a collection of deep learning examples, tests and related material. Some of the examples are based on courses and tests I've done along the years, which I'd like to mention here:
- Deep Learning (Coursera)
- Deep Learning: Advanced Computer Vision by Lazy Programmer (Udemy)
- Deep Learning: Financial Engineering and Artificial Intelligence in Python by Lazy Programmer
- Deep Learning: Data Science: Transformers for Natural Language Processing by Lazy Programmer
All of the above are fantastic courses and if you're interested in those subjects, you should consider taking them.
- Virtualenv instructions for setting up virtual environments using
- Docker contains files for creating Docker container for running the examples
- Conda contains files for creating Conda virtual environments for running the examples
- TensorFlow deep learning examples using TensorFlow 2
- PyTorch deep learning examples using PyTorch
- Financial Engineering financial engineering using Python and Ai
- Hugging Face examples of using models from Hugging Face
Testing and executing the examples has been done in a system with the following characteristics:
- OS Ubuntu 20.04
- GPU GeForce GTX 1070
This repo uses pre-commit git-hooks to verify the code before it is pushed. After cloning the repo, install the pre-commit package into your Python environment:
pip install pre-commit
and then install the pre-commit checks:
pre-commit install
Pre-commit is run automatically every time code is committed. You can also run pre-commit manually as follows:
pre-commit run --all-files
You can either create a Conda virtual environment, or a Docker container, for running the examples. In order to do so, take a look at the instructions in conda and docker directories.
Additional documentation regarding the notation, neural network model etc. can be found here