A simple static password generator for rust
I recently picked up a Yubikey 4 nano. After setting it up as a GPG smart card and using the first slot for Yubico OTP, I wanted to set a strong, static password to be emitted from the second slot.
Curiously, the Yubikey Personalization Tool doesn't include a tool to auto-generate a strong password. So, I decided to write pass-rs as a simple tool for generating strong static passwords to be stored in password managers.
By default, these passwords are 38 characters long, the max supported by Yubikeys with firmware >= 2.2. For lesser firmware versions , the limit is 16 characters so a different length can be specified.
Obviously, static passwords of any length can be generated for other uses as well.
Make sure you've got the standard rust toolchain installed (see Rustup for help).
Then, simply clone this repo and install via cargo
git clone https://github.com/Jarusk/pass-rs.git
cd pass-rs/
cargo install --path .
Usage: pass-rs: [options] [len]
By default, the password is 38 characters long.
For a custom length, simply specify a numeric length as an argument.
-n Disable newline when printing password
-nd Disable numeric characters
-nl Disable lowercase characters
-nu Disable uppercase characters
-s Enable special characters in generations (!, @, #, $, etc)
-h, --help Print this help dialogue
- Install
:cargo install cargo-edit
- Set version to the same as the upcoming draft release:
cargo set-version 1.2.3
- Create a PR. Once merged, publish the release.