This full-stack tech blog uses MySQL2, Sequelize, Express, and Node.js to enable users to create accounts, log in/out, and post comments. It features RESTful APIs, Express Handlebars, and session management for a secure, interactive experience.
Object-Relational Mapping Sequelize provides a seamless bridge between your JavaScript application and SQL databases, allowing you to interact with the database using JavaScript objects instead of raw SQL queries. This abstraction simplifies database operations and enhances code readability.
Database Abstraction With Sequelize, you can work with various SQL databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and MSSQL, without having to write database-specific code. This flexibility enables you to switch between databases effortlessly, adapting to the specific needs of your project.
Model Definitions Define your data models using JavaScript classes, representing tables in your database. Sequelize translates these models into database tables, streamlining the creation and management of your database schema.
Migration Support Sequelize supports database migrations, allowing you to version control your database schema changes. This feature is crucial for managing database evolution in a collaborative development environment.
To start using Sequelize, follow the installation instructions provided in the documentation. Create your models, define associations, and seamlessly interact with your database using JavaScript.
Clone the repository
git clone
cd The-Tech-Blog
npm install
Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory.
Run the server
node server.js
- Sequelize: for Object-Relational Mapping in Node.js
- Node.js: for server-side JavaScript execution
- SQL Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, MSSQL, etc.
- Bcrypt: for password encryption
- Dontev: for protecting passwords from github
- Express.js
- Handlebars.js
Contributions to Sequelize are welcome! If you have ideas for improvement or bug fixes, please fork the repository, implement your changes, and submit a pull request.