PM> Install-Package CyberMath -Version 1.0.3
Two-dimensional arrays
IsSquare -> bool (Represent a bool(true) value if the rows count equals elements count on each row; otherwise false)
[int row, int column] -> T (Indexer for matrix)
ProcessFunctionOverData -> void (Do action over every element in matrix)
ElementsInRow -> int (Returns count of elements in row)
GetColumnsEnumerable -> IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> (Returns enumerable, which is 'walks' on the column neither default)
RowsCount -> int (Count of rows in matrix)
- ColumnsCount -> int (Count of columns in matrix)
- Transpose -> IMatrix<T> Creates a new transposed matrix
- DynamicMatrix
- AddColumn -> void (Inserting a new column to the end of matrix)
- InsertColumn -> void (Inserting the column into matrix by index)
- AddRow -> void (Inserting a new row to the end of matrix)
- InsertRow -> void (Inserting the row into matrix by index)
- RemoveColumn -> void (Removes a column in matrix at index)
- RemoveRow -> void (Removes a row in matrix at index)
Jugged Matrix
- SortRows -> IJuggedMatrix<T> (Sorts rows in matrix by count of elements)
- SortRowsByDescending -> IJuggedMatrix<T> (Sorts rows by descending in matrix by count of elements)
- Dynamic Jugged Matrix
- AddColumn -> void (Inserting a new column to the end of matrix if it's possible)
- InsertColumn -> void (Inserting the column into matrix by index)
- AddRow -> void (Inserting a new row to the end of matrix)
- InsertRow -> void (Inserting the row into matrix by index)
- RemoveColumn -> void (Removes a column in matrix at index)
- RemoveRow -> void (Removes a row in matrix at index)
Binary Trees
- Root -> IBinaryTreeNode<T> (Reference to the main node, called Root)
- IsEmpty -> bool (bool result which show the emptiness of IBinaryTree)
- TraversalOrderType -> TraversalOrderType (Traversal strategy for foreach statement)
- Depth -> int (Depth of BinaryTree)
- Inorder -> IEnumerable<T> (Returns an inorder traversal IEnumerable collection)
- Preorder -> IEnumerable<T> (Returns an preorder traversal IEnumerable collection)
- Postorder -> IEnumerable<T> (Returns an postorder traversal IEnumerable collection)
- Min -> T *(Returns minimal element in BinaryTree)
- Max -> T *(Returns maximal element in BinaryTree)
- AddRange -> void *(Adds IEnumerable collection into BinaryTree)
- MergeWith -> void (Merges initial IBinaryTree with another IBinaryTree)
Vanilla Tree
AVL Tree
Red Black Tree
Common interface: IBinaryTree : ICollection, IDisposable where T : IComparable<T>, IComparable
- Helpers
- FixExpressionConverter (Class for converting xFix expression into yFix)
- Infix -> Postfix => A+B*C/(E-F) -> ABC*EF-/+
- Infix -> Prefix => A+B*C/(E-F) -> +A*B/C-EF
- Postfix -> Infix => ABC*EF-/+ -> (A+((B*C)/(E-F)))
- Postfix -> Prefix => ABC/-AK/L-* -> *-A/BC-/AKL
- Prefix -> Infix => +A*B/C-EF -> (A+(B*(C/(E-F))))
- Prefix -> Postfix => *-A/BC-/AKL -> ABC/-AK/L-*
- Infix -> Postfix => A+B*C/(E-F) -> ABC*EF-/+
- GenericTypesExtensions (Just a class to make out life and programming faster and more productive)
- SerializableDeepCopy -> T (Makes a deep copy of item. Type of item should be marked as [Serializable]; otherwise -> EXCEPTION)
- FixExpressionConverter (Class for converting xFix expression into yFix)
Extension methods
- Extension methods for collections
- Swap -> void (Swaps items in indexed collections)
- Shuffle -> void (Shuffles the items in an indexed collection)
- RandomItem -> T (Gets a random item from collection)
- Permutations -> IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> (Returns a new collections with all permutations of elements with repeating elements)
- PermutationsWithRepeat -> IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> (Returns a new collections with all permutations of elements with repeating elements)
- Extension methods for strings
- Concat -> string
- IsPalindrome -> bool (Checks string for palindromicity)
- IsAnagramOf -> bool (Checks two string for anagramism)
- WordsFrequency -> Dictionary<char,int> (Creates a Dictionary<TKey,TValue> where TKey is char and TValue is int (count of TKey in input string))
- ToInt32 -> int (Returns string parsed to Int32)
- ToInt64 -> long (Returns string parsed to Int64)
- ToAlternatingCase -> (Converts input string to alternating case)
- Extension methods for Random
- NextDouble -> double (Generates a double number between min and max)
- NextLong -> long (Generates a long number between min and max)
Extension methods for Int32 and Int64
- IsPalindrome -> bool (Checks number for palindromicity)
- IsOdd -> bool (Checks is number odd)
- IsEven -> bool (Checks is number even)
- GCD (greatest common divisor) -> int/long (Calculates greatest common divisor between two numbers)
- LCM (lowest common multiple) -> int/long (Calculates lowest common multiple between two numbers)
- Swap -> void (Swaps two integers in memory (by ref))
- GetLength -> int (Calculates the length of number)
- ToBinary -> string (Converts number to binary(2) format)
- ToHex -> string (Converts number to HEX(16) format)
- GetDigits -> IEnumerable<bytes> Return all digits in number as a collection
- Extension methods for Prime Numbers
- IsPrime -> bool (Checks number for primality)
- GenerateRandomPrimeNumber -> Int32/Int64 (Generating one random prime number)
- GeneratePrimeNumbers -> IEnumerable<Int32/Int64> (Generates IEnumerable collection of prime numbers which are less than max)
Extension methods for all matrices
- IsMaxInColumn -> bool (Returns bool value if element at [i, j] is max in IMatrixBase<IComparable> matrix column at index j)
- IsMinInRow -> bool (Returns bool value if element at [i, j] is min in IMatrixBase<IComparable> matrix row at index i)
- DiagonalSum -> int/long/souble/decimal/short and Nullable (ONLY FOR SQUARE Calculates sum of all items on main diagonal)
- SideDiagonalSum -> int/long/souble/decimal/short and Nullable (ONLY FOR SQUARE Calculates sum of all items on side diagonal)
- SumSaddlePoints -> int/long/souble/decimal/short and Nullable (Calculates sum of all saddle points in matrix)
- CreateMatrixWithoutRow -> IJuggedMatrix/IMatrix (Creates a new matrix without row at rowIndex)
- CreateMatrixWithoutColumn -> IJuggedMatrix/IMatrix (Creates a new matrix without column at columnIndex)
- For primitives
- Add -> IMatrixBase<T> (Returns the add IMatrixBase first and IMatrixBase second)
- Sub -> IMatrixBase<T> (Returns the sub IMatrixBase first and IMatrixBase second)
- MulOnNumber -> IMatrixBase<T> (Returns the multiplication IMatrixBase matrix on number)
- FillRandomly -> void (Fills matrix with randomly generated items)
- Extension methods for JuggedMatrix<T>
- CountOnEachRow -> IEnumerable<int> (Returns an IEnumerable with the count of elements on each row of matrix)
- ToMatrix -> IMatrix<T> (Creates a new instance of IMatrix from IJuggedMatrix)
- CreateVanilla -> T[][] (Creates a vanilla array of arrays on base of JuggedMatrix)
Extension methods for IMatrix<T>
- ToJuggedMatrix -> IJuggedMatrix<T> (Creates a new instance of IJuggedMatrix from IMatrix)
- CreateVanilla -> T[,] (Creates a vanilla matrix on base of Matrix)
- For primitives
- Multiplication -> IMatrix<T> (Returns the mul IMatrix first and IMatrix second)
- CalculateDeterminant -> int/long/double/decimal and Nullable (Calculates determinant for IMatrix)
- CreateInvertibleMatrix -> IMatrix<double> (Creates inverted matrix from IMatrix)
- CalculateMinor -> int/long/souble/decimal and Nullable (Calculates minor for IMatrix)
- Extension methods for collections
- Equations
- Quadratic (Represents a class for building quadratic equation)