NBWicketSourcePlugin is a NetBeans plugin that works with the Wicket-Source browser extension.
It speeds up Wicket development by providing click-through from browser HTML back to the original Wicket components in your source
The plugin is available via the NetBeans Plugin Portal. You can also find a pre-compiled version in the releases directory.
Install the wicket-source jar into your project using maven or your preferred build tool. Add it to your WicketApplication
Visit the Chrome Web Store and search for wicket to find the chrome plugin.
Install the NetBeans plugin. The plugin adds a button to the toolbar where you can start and stop listening to requests coming from the Chrome plugin.
See the original Wiki page for deeper details.
You can configure the port and a password in NetBeans under "Tools / Options / Miscellaneous / Wicket Source".
This code used George Armholds wicket-source-intellij project for inspiration
Version 0.2 - Added configuration dialog for port and password configuration
Version 0.1 - Initial release