Team Bryson is creating HomeGrown, which is a platform that allows users to buy and sell locally-grown foods within a certain radius of their location.
This will be created using Python, Flask, and PostgreSQL.
Make sure you’re on your branch (look at the bottom right corner of PyCharm)
Make sure your directory is clean (no changes) before pulling
- If you want to get rid of your changes, click VCS > Revert
- If you want keep your changes, click VCS > Commit
Pull/merge changes from master (VCS > Git > Pull)
- Select your branch
- Select origin/master
- Click Pull
Resolve merge conflicts (if there are any)
Run create-db.sql and init-db.sql
Do whatever work you need to do
Commit and push (VCS > Commit > Commit and push)
- Make sure there’s a commit message on it
Create a pull request for your branch
- Go to GitHub and find your branch
- Click Create pull request
Move your task in Boards to Review
- Wait for someone else to test your code and merge it into master