ChestAlerts is a simple and customizable Spigot plugin that sends an alert when a chest, shulker box, barrel, or ender chest is opened in console as well as to discord through a webhook.
Console Alerts (Can Be Turned Off In Config):
Discord Alerts (Webhook Configurable In Config):
- Instant Alerts: Get alerted instantly when a player opens a chest, shulker box, barrel, or ender chest.
- Discord Integration: Send alerts directly to a Discord channel using a webhook.
- Permission Support: Comes with permission nodes for using the toggle alert command and reloading the plugin.
name: ChestAlerts
version: '1.0'
main: com.github.kaludii.chestalerts.ChestAlerts
api-version: '1.20'
description: Send an alert to Discord and the console when a player opens a chest.
authors: [Kaludi]
description: Main command for the ChestAlerts plugin.
usage: /<command>
permission: chestalerts.use
permission-message: '&d&lChestAlerts &2&l►You do not have permission to use this command.'
description: Gives access to all ChestAlerts commands.
default: op
description: Allows use of the ChestAlerts command.
default: op
description: Allows use of the /ChestAlerts reload command.
default: op
description: Allows use of the /ChestAlerts toggle command.
default: op
/ChestAlerts reload
: Reloads the plugin configuration./ChestAlerts toggle
: Toggles chest alerts on or off./ChestAlerts help
: Shows help message.
: Allows the use of the/ChestAlerts reload
: Allows the use of the/ChestAlerts toggle
# Configuration file for the ChestAlerts plugin by Kaludi.
# 'discord-webhook-url': The URL for the Discord webhook to post to.
# 'discord-webhook-name': The name for the Discord webhook.
# 'discord-webhook-image': The URL for the image to use for the Discord webhook posts.
# 'announce-in-terminal': Whether to announce to the console when a chest is opened.
# 'bStatsEnabled': Whether to enable bStats metrics for this plugin.
# After making changes to this file, save and do '/ChestAlerts reload' or restart your server.
discord-webhook-url: ''
discord-webhook-name: ChestAlerts
discord-webhook-image: ''
announce-in-terminal: true
bStatsEnabled: true
# Messages file for the ChestAlerts plugin by Kaludi.
# You can use color codes using '&'. For example: '&c' is red.
# Don't forget to save and do '/ChestAlerts reload' or restart your server after making changes.
help_message: '&d&lChestAlerts &2&l► &bThis is the help message for ChestAlerts. Available commands are: /ChestAlerts help, /ChestAlerts reload, /ChestAlerts toggle'
no_permission_message: '&d&lChestAlerts &2&l► &cYou do not have permission to use this command.'
reload_message: '&d&lChestAlerts &2&l► &bThe ChestAlerts plugin has been reloaded.'
toggle_on_message: '&d&lChestAlerts &2&l► &bChestAlerts have been enabled.'
toggle_off_message: '&d&lChestAlerts &2&l► &bChestAlerts have been disabled.'
This plugin was only tested on 1.19 and 1.20, no other previous versions.
For any help or support questions, join our Discord Server.