First complete release, all main mechanics should work now and we have two levels. We now have the following game elements:
- Start screen
- Level screen
- Game over / game won screen
- Transition logic between screens
- Main game mechanics:
- Control the space ship (movement and shooting)
- Per-pixel collision tests, crash leads to health lost
- After complete health lost, the game is over
- Leaving the level bounds leads to the next level / to game win
- Shooting other bullet shooting enemies destroys them (constant health of 5 at the moment)
- Key - door mechanics: You can couple an entity to a door, if the entity is destroyed, the door is also removed
- Levels loading by json file with a lightweight, component based level format
- Supported components for level object at the moment:
- Static sprite
- Animated sprite, optional animation loop for given key
- Collision component
- Scripted movement, with path points and variable speed
- Periodic visibility toggling with a sound effect, will be used for lightnings
- Shooter, will constantly shoot bullets with variable direction and speed