I am a Christian, C# and XAML enthusiast, Microsoft MVP (2019-present), and GitKraken Amabasador.
I am the maintainer of several open source projects including MaterialDesignInXaml and Moq.AutoMocker. I am also the author of several open source projects including NosePlug, AutoDI, ShowMeTheXAML, and XAMLTest. I also enjoy building applications such as PointerStar, ColorKraken, and SimplyBudget.
I also contribute to System.CommandLine.
I enjoy teaching others to code, and often live stream my works on open source projects. you can find me at my various social links below.
Twitch: https://twitch.keboo.dev
YouTube: https://youtube.keboo.dev
Blog: https://blog.keboo.dev
Twitter: https://twitter.keboo.dev
GitHub: https://github.keboo.dev