The Instinct Planner is a biologically inspired Reactive Planner based on the original POSH Planner created by Dr Joanna Bryson. It is written in C++ and is optimised to have a tiny memory footprint, making it suitable for embedded controllers and multi-agent systems.
This library works with both Arduino and Microsoft Visual C++ environments. This libary is required as part of the R5 Robot.
For full details see Instinct Planner page on the my web site.
Rob Wortham - May 2016
1.0.1 - First public upload
1.1.0 - Various fixes and added Names - a class to store Names associated with instinctIDs in a memory buffer
1.1.1 - Added ability to retrieve and modify drive priority as the plan is running. Also added ability to get a plan element ID from its element name.
The Instinct Planner is Open Source Software distributed under the GNU GPL licence.
Copyright (c) 2015-17 Robert H. Wortham