This is a small game I made for my software engineering course. It has an online score system and leaderboard viewer, multiple users support so you can pass the game to your friends, and some okay gameplay.
In the game you are tasked with landing the lunar excersion module from the Apollo missions on the moon. You have limited fuel and your goal is to land with minimal x and y velocity, with the LEM level. Good luck!
You need to install the hack font. Available here.
Download the repo here unzip it somewhere
you should probably create a python virtual enviroment but you dont have to.
First cd into the place you downloaded it then run these commands (assuming you have python installed). The python command might be different depending on your setup, so like try python3 if needed or something. Setup commands
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m venv .venv
Then you need to open powershell as administrator and run:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Then go back to the window from before and run:
Then go back to your administrator window and run:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted
Then in your normal window run.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Regarless of operating system you can run:
(or python3
To run the server for local host only run:
python -m flask --app serv/ run
To run it so anyone can accsess it. Only use this method if you are going to host to the public internet.
gunicorn -w 2 server -b
On first start, you will be prompted for your name. This will be what is sent to the leaderboard and displayed to other players. Then in the main menu you can press start game, to as you can guess... start the game.
Then if you want to look at the webUI server just go to http://localhost:5000.
The WebUI shows the best and worst score of the players, which the in game UI does not.
The server includes some scores to beat, which I reccomend challenging yourself with. Additionally, the text that judges you under your score acts as some additional challenges for the player.
action | key(s) |
steer left | a, left arrow |
steer right | d, right arrow |
increase throttle | w, up arrow, shift |
decrease throttle | s, down arrow, l_ctrl |
shut down engine | x |
max throttle engine | z |
reset | r |
quit game (anywhere) | escape |
You can scroll the camera in and out with the mouse wheel, but there is no real reason to since the camera manages itself for the most part.