First Website - Landing-page & Portfolio style
Development of an initial website prototype featuring a minimalist portfolio style.
๐ค Understanding:
- Apply proper HTML & CSS.
- Use correct HTML syntax and CSS design.
๐ค Learning:
- Understand the connection between HTML and CSS.
- Above all, practice and enhance my skills.
In creating this initial website, I aimed to put into practice the HTML concepts I've learned, incorporating a bit of CSS during my training. I conscientiously applied various HTML concepts, adhering to development principles and maintaining a clean syntax (which is significant to me). The site includes a landing page, and an attempt at a portfolio. However, the final output will remain static for now, as I don't plan on revisiting this project in the immediate future. It served more as a foundation, a starting point for something new.
Here are different features that I have implemented in the project:
+ @font-face {#}
- Allows the addition of an external font.
+ .animated-links::after {#} / .animated-links:hover::after {#}
- Adds animation to navigation links.
+ <code>@media (max-width: 1100px) {#}
- Makes the website responsive, adapting to various formats: web, mobile, tablet.
+ <code>@keyframes fadeIn / slideIn / slideOut {#}
- Adds animations using gsap and also JavaScript in vanilla mode.
+ gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger);
- Initializes the "GSAP" library along with the ScrollTrigger property.
- Optimize the different CSS style sheets (repeated code).
- Add more animations (to explore the possibilities of GSAP and JavaScript VANILLA).
- Download or clone it the folder from the project and unzip it.
- Open the WebsiteOne folder with a code editor of your choice.
- Launch the file
in your browser locally (you can use extensions such as Live Server, Live Preview, etc.).