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/ dev Public

A debugging, editing and testing extension for v2.0.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


dev is a debugging, testing and editing extension for github: docs:

You can find the official documentation for this extension here.


Python 3.8 or higher is required. To install the extension, simply execute the following command depending on what operating system you use.


py -3 -m pip install -U git+


python3 -m pip install -U git+


from discord.ext import commands

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=..., intents=...)

async def setup_hook() -> None:
    await bot.load_extension("dev")"[token]")

If you're subclassing discord.ext.commands.Bot:

from discord.ext import commands

class Bot(commands.Bot):
    async def setup_hook(self) -> None:
        await self.load_extension("dev")

bot = Bot(...)"[token]")


There are a couple of ways to customize the cog. These are mostly done with the Settings class. An example is shown below as well as what they do.

from dev import Settings
Settings.OWNERS = {1234567890}
Settings.INVOKE_ON_EDIT = True
Settings.VIRTUAL_VARS = "-%s-"
GLOBAL_USE: bool = False
INVOKE_ON_EDIT: bool = False
LOCALE: str = "en-US"
OWNERS: set[int] = {}
PATH_TO_FILE: str = os.getcwd()
RETAIN: bool = False
ROOT_FOLDER: str = ""
VIRTUAL_VARS: str = "|%s|"
  • GLOBAL_USE: Commands that have their global_use property set to True are allowed to be invoked by any user. Defaults to False.
  • FLAG_DELIMITER: The characters that determines when to separate a key from its value when parsing strings to dictionaries. Defaults to =.
  • INVOKE_ON_EDIT: Whenever a message that invoked a command is edited to another command, the bot will try to invoke the new command. Defaults to False.
  • LOCALE: The default guild and user locale to use whenever emulating a Discord object. Defaults to en-US.
  • OWNERS: A set of user IDs that override bot ownership IDs. If specified, users that are only found in the ownership ID list will be able to use this extension.
  • PATH_TO_FILE: A directory that will be removed if found inside a message. This will typically be used in tracebacks. Defaults to the current working directory. This must be a valid path.
  • RETAIN: Whether REPL sessions should retain their scope. This is only used in the dev python command. Defaults to False.
  • ROOT_FOLDER: The path that will replace the |root| text placeholder. This must be a valid path.
  • VIRTUAL_VARS: The format in which environment variables are expected to be defined. The actual place where the variable's name will be should be %s. Defaults to |%s|.