A powershell Module to get Windows system informations.
Using the command Screenfetch
you can obtain the following system information along side an ASCII's Art Logo:
- User: User@Computer-Name
- OS: Type of OS and Version
- Kernel: Kernel Version
- Uptime: Current computer uptime
- Motherboard: Motherboard specifications
- Shell: Shell version
- Displays: Current attached displays resolutions, the first is the primary monitor
- Windows Manager: Default Windows Manager
- Font: Used font, must be set in the script currently
- CPU: CPU Specifications
- GPU: GPU Specifications
- RAM: Used Memory / Total Memory (Percentage of used memory)
- Disks: Current Disks attached names, and their space informations
- Colors: A color demo of the terminal.
The complete use of this module alongside others is managed by my personal Dotfile configuration managed with Chezmoi.
git clone https://github.com/LeoCalbi/myUtilities.git
$ModuleFolder = ($Env:PSModulePath | Split-String -Separator ";")[0]
Move-Item -Path myUtilities\MyUtilities -Destination $ModuleFolder
Then add to your Powershell Profile (Path at $Profile
Import-Module MyUtilities
My fork of Julian Chow's Windows screenfetch, adapted to be used with the new Get-CimInstance
, a slight speed up with some global variables on fixed informations of the system, and a documentation upgrade with powershell Module Manifest.