Be the first to reach the other side of the board by moving
your pawn across the grid or placing a fence to block your opponent's movement.
More info:
The JavaFX and Game_Engine is located in the /libraries folder.
Add libraries/JavaFX (unzip libraries/
Add JavaFX SDK to Project libraries
- -> File -> Project Structures -> Libraries
- "+" Java
- Select the downloaded javafx-sdk/lib folder
Add libraries/game_engine.jar the same way (-> 2.)
Create new Run configuration
- -> Edit configurations
- Add your javaFX-sdk lib path to new VM options with the --module-path flag
You successfully set up the project.
Now you can configure the game parameters in
Built in players: (located in game_engine/game/quoridor/players)
- HumanPlayer
- DummyPlayer
- RandomPlayer
- BlockRandomPlayer
Advanced AI: (located in src/)
- Agent (A* path finding with min-max wall blocking)