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ParaCraft Change Log 2017

Li, Xizhi edited this page Feb 17, 2018 · 1 revision

ParaCraft Change Log 2017

Click here for most recent daily log


  • AsyncLoader added log level and default to remote log. and added command line param assetlog_level
  • log.txt will always be generated at writable path by default.


  • fix paraxexporter default filename
  • parax xml file is watched for auto asset refresh
  • fix bmax object replaceable texture logic
  • fbx now support replaceable texture id 0


  • when drag and drop fbx file, associated xml file is also copied
  • table.clear added to NPL


  • added fix window size property
  • added set writable path property
  • paracraft now support external signin via command line or url protocol


  • cross domain for entire admin site is set to any
  • editcode page api will create directory.
  • paracraft command line now support usertoken parameter, same is true for url protocol.


  • added default animation of actor npc in movie block.
  • refined theme of multiline editbox, making command help page now uses new multiline editbox with copy text function.
  • fixed max text length drawing in a single line with clipping


  • fixed skydome moon size and also fix Fix /sky -moon command
  • meet Matt Bross in a two session at tatfook.


  • fixed bmax ParaX exporter translation key not exported bug.
  • Parax exporter can now export any selected block model including fbx, bmax, etc.
  • fixed parax exporter model speed in movie block not exported.
  • fixed parax exporter lod0 not exported bug
  • fixed ParaXModel crash when rendering static parax without bones.
  • minor fix default open model file extension ui
  • added English version of keepwork introduction.


  • non-editable bone like pivot or transform bones like in some FBX models are always hidden in movie block editor.
  • fix TextControl render bug with over 1000 lines of code. Greatly optimized TextControl performance
  • fix get last write time API in NPLRuntime
  • changed default behavior of loading compiled npl file. Non-compiled file is always used first before compiled version, instead of comparing file time.


  • old multi line edit box can now be configured to use new mcml v2 implementation.
  • all text area in paracraft UI now uses new system control in mcml v2.
  • fix multi line editbox set empty text error and add item index fix.
  • TextControl will auto convert tab to 4 spaces by default for pasting from clipboard.


  • fix block building task default file path not loaded bug
  • appveyor CI and build_win32.bat are fixed.
  • both dev and master branch are now protected and require linux/win32 CI to pass before commit. Updated win32 install wiki doc.
  • fix cursor clipping issue in remote desktop. Dropped direct input and use native GetCursorPos
  • dragging mouse no longer lock the mouse by default


  • fixed animation not updated with parent links whose item is in front of parent item in movie block.
  • added tail call doc for debugging in wiki
  • added console code/page debugging in npl code wiki and updated online doc.
  • added open in debugger in console window of NPL code wiki


  • NPLRuntime is now used in production environment directly, replacing ParaEngine svn project.
  • fixed builder frame list crash when terrain brush is in hand
  • fixed file search path error under win32 that is recently introduced.


  • designed _theme related command and logic in keepwork
  • design of knowledge engine


  • fixed piston block remove error
  • fixed table db update index bug
  • updated keepwork overview diagram.
  • open platform discussion for logitow
  • fixed search file last write date time
  • fixed create new world with filename containing dot letter.
  • fixed ctrl or shift key will make bone editing manipulators disappear bug.
  • fix localization and other bugs in world share mod.


  • fixed block world filename can not containing dot letter.
  • fbx 2016/2017 64bits format supported.
  • fixed file watcher not removed when leaving a world directory.
  • fixed under water texture bug


  • reviewed git auto updater
  • reviewed sync npl web server
  • block template light value can now be toggled by command by runtime. /block id light true. Fixed block visibility check.
  • pac animation finished.
  • curl interface added low speed timeout by default
  • GetURL now fully support sync interface in C++ and NPL.


  • PAC contest candidates released.
  • win32 opengl 3d world finally shows up.
  • road map written and published.
  • Fixed RPC library in multi thread code.
  • Fixed block visibility toggle having render glitches
  • Fixed clipboard API with unicode characters.
  • NPL CAD 5.0 tutorial recording
  • ZJU colleges visit our research center


  • fixed some init order warning in NPLRuntime
  • fixed SetEndOfFile in memory file
  • improved table db raft serialization code.
  • fixed possible tabledb compound key runtime error whey there are no subkeys
  • video links updated
  • upgrade luajit to latest version for both 2.0.5 and 2.1 branch


  • continue NPL CAD tutorial 5.0 script
  • fix UI layout for English version of paracraft
  • added install guide for movie codec
  • fixed crash of movie codec in non-stereo audio configuration.
  • fixed "min-width" layout in mcml v1 for floating to new line when line width exceeds.


  • fixed child movie block start time not taking effect in parent movie block.
  • fix under water ocean color in cross platform shaders
  • fixed ending movie time not persistent when there is a start time.
  • localization for paracraft official mods
  • opengl win32 branch can now be compiled and partially run.


  • fix alignment for mcmlv2 window
  • fix embedded resource and added default cursor resource
  • fixed cursor show in static NPLRuntime mode when accelerator list is not available.
  • added destroy method of ParaEngineCore for embedded applications.
  • mcml browser(ctrl+F3) now support both v1 and v2, easy debugging v2 pages now
  • mcml browser window is made stand-alone and updated wiki doc about it
  • NPLRuntime server version now can be built under Mac OSX with either gcc or XCode(clang). File Monitor and package path is also fixed in MAC for web development.


  • fixed fbx texture not loaded in zip archive file
  • PAC contest review process defined
  • fixed compile errors for MAC OSX.


  • NPL research center opening ceremony on 2017.10.22
  • company Intranet website updated
  • fix /loadtemplate with bmax file
  • fix potential based object reparent crash
  • mcml v2 with owner draw controls
  • directX to opengl auto shader compiler
  • keepwork now supports diagram and board
  • logitow product preview version released
  • table db support force closing
  • NPLRuntime win32 opengl edition cmake done now generating client app with opengl render engine. Lots of third party dependency added.
  • keepwork now switched to zenhub and coding pipeline redesigned.
  • table db collection can be closed and opened automatically on next query


  • zip archive now support reading from embedded resource.
  • CParaFile now supports a new mask field for reading from embedded resource regardless of filename
  • exposing loaded file interface to NPL scripting
  • NPL load async added. NPL main package's main file is always loaded.
  • axis is shown when block manip is dragging
  • score system is designed with skill tagging and studied social tagging in linkedin skills.


  • moved to new office: NPL search center
  • reconfigured IT and Intranet of new office with wireless and wired. It is a very sophisticated infrastructure.
  • NPLRuntime can now be configured to build as a static library
  • embedded resource cmake project added for embedding shader resources directly into the executable and is cross-platform
  • Server mode frame move is moved to NPL thread instead of main thread, to prevent NPL code in multiple thread.


  • block texture tiling supported. merged pr.
  • fix mouse wheel event not called in script when camera is disabled.
  • added unbase64 function.
  • fix standard lua coroutine to support c call
  • fix block terrain not displayed on first tile
  • fix biped animation speed scale not applied bug when sliding down.
  • docker pid1 reap examined.
  • create new world now uses flat.txt with proper line ending.
  • memory actor now default to ignore asset skin
  • fix actor music without camera in movie block


  • rotate blocks algorithm refined to remove holes and gaps
  • coco patch of coroutines applied to original lua implementation.
  • tableDB wal with more implementation.
  • MCML v2 with pe_treeview and scrollable area.
  • random texture for block engine discussed
  • multiple viewports support 30%
  • gitlab now running in cloud container with auto scale and Chinese locale.
  • attend PAC speech in Shenzhen Univ.
  • a very strange crash or high CPU bug with GC64 and lots of coroutines.
  • improved block selection manipulators with Ctrl or shift + drag left/right mouse.
  • max movie clip length changed to very big.
  • fixed pe_custom bug in mcml v2.
  • cross platform shader project started.
  • new keepwork dev pipeline defined.
  • keepwork search and big file support 30%


  • worker threads in async loader can not be configured
  • fix chrome plugin crash issue
  • mcml v2 developed several other controls and changed to DOM render mode.
  • selected blocks now support rotation in any angle and direction graphically or via command line.
  • keepwork oauth refined.
  • haqi now uses keepwork account to register and login.


  • fix loadpackage bootstrapper
  • NPL pure server fully implemented.
  • fix NPLRuntime FBX parser
  • added paracraft pure server bootstrapper and main loop.


  • fix haqi quest delete with arbitrary id.
  • refined NPL CAD manual and template code
  • add new command line autosave="" for paracraft server mode
  • paracraft pure server project added to


  • /selectobj and /kill command refined to support a number of filters
  • NPL CAD 4.1 released
  • /spawn now support name property
  • SetDead supported on players.
  • bipedobject support child objects
  • multiline editbox in mcml v2 implemented.
  • fix empty chunk on client due to async loading on server side


  • NPL CAD 3.7.2 released
  • weixin works: finding you
  • feature list of keepwork written
  • /kill entity command added
  • added FindEntities method
  • all keepwork servers are moved to docker with jenkins CI/CD

2017.8.2- 2017.8.7

  • feature list of keepwork and paracraft is written
  • /lod command added. and fixed lod of paraX model.
  • shadow map on opengl
  • fix add zip folder bug
  • merge a number of pull requests from github.
  • haqi is moved to tatfook server. vsphere studied.
  • fixed movie with R key
  • fix movie block not reset when there is no camera in it

2017.7.28- 2017.8.1

  • haqi servers moved to tatfook IDC, lots of tests and script updates.
  • fixed open shared files with overlapped IO. Failing to add *.db to zip archive bug.

2017.7.22- 2017.7.27

  • fixed a very critical crash bug when calling download url requests under linux or when servermode is true. All linux NPLRuntime are recommended to rebuild from source. Any one who is using System.os.GetUrl() on linux should definitely apply the fix to avoid random crash.
  • fix #!/usr/local/bin/npl under linux when running script
  • fix command line parameters without quotation marks
  • added sha1 and base64 in c++
  • added new command /lod on|off
  • all parax and bmax entity lod(level of detail) can now be toggled.


  • NPL mono lib under win32 is upgraded to mono 5.0 latest.
  • fix neuron block reset display
  • added keepwork login on haqi
  • block template now support invisible block property.
  • /block MovieClip visible false command supported
  • fix camera mode player position not updated
  • fixed a bug that the player may be moving forward while focus is set to camera in a movie block.
  • fixed walking animation while mounted, such as on a railcar


  • get block full data optimized
  • reset function added for block light grid
  • MovieCodecPlugin refactored into a stand alone application. MovieCodecPlugin changed location.
  • fixed /offsetworld can not close app bug.
  • ZipFile class added in main package.


  • fix /sky sim command not taking effect when it is snowing or raining.
  • added /cameradist command
  • Fix mount command with command block
  • fix audio capture when it is silent at first


  • multiple actor GUI text are always layered
  • /touchworld command added
  • bmax object LOD scaling now takes scaling into account.
  • Fixed bmax lod scaling


  • NPL Debugger watch window can now view table object in details.
  • added commonlib.serialize_in_length()
  • added calling log API example in nplruntime c++ plugin samples.
  • kanban discussion for leaders
  • /replace -all command support from_data and to_data
  • NPL http debugger allow examine variables with namespaces like a.b.c
  • changed command block response time so that it can detect fast rail detector.
  • fix picking buffer render frame when there are multiple manipulators and not all are visible.


  • haqi pay and login backend (30%)
  • mc exporter 1.1 published to support new mc blocks
  • fix offsetworld and add reset light method
  • bmax model will now merge coplanar faces
  • bmax model will now use lod by default
  • several engine fix like editbox middle align
  • region xml file uses compressed format when file size is bigger than 10kb.
  • keepwork private project is ready to use.
  • now support github login.


  • fixed rail detector bug when car and player are top of it.
  • kanban tutorial improved.
  • now support account with github account binded.
  • pov ray project started
  • /show vision command added for debugging AI vision object.


  • oauth interface for keepwork
  • block region now support zip compression when file is bigger.
  • Para XML reader now support reading from zip compressed file.
  • attribute fields now support hash look up.
  • training for kanban of project management and refined kanban.
  • keep work payment interface and certifications.
  • fbx particle system deployed
  • numerous bug fixes in keepwork


  • vision context in AI module
  • tatfook wiki site
  • keepwork now support private project
  • haqi change operation company


  • improved /end 1 command to allow a movie block to end immediately
  • [1%] ModelShare mod designed and reviewed.
  • Summer of Code 2017 begins and 4 students enrolled.


  • TableDB feature complete alpha 1 finished. Review in progress
  • Fixed enter text multiline
  • fixed movie clip last frame not played bug.
  • Android paracraft design goal complete.


  • keepwork major release
  • memory block added and implemented with a demo
  • BMaxObject now support bone animations.
  • Fix haqi onclose method of mcml v1 page not called
  • Attended AI forum and monthly report
  • Shanghai department is operational
  • URL protocol is implemented on android.
  • World Share stable version is online.


  • AI report 50% written on keepwork
  • Chinese file name on gitlab
  • enabled core dump on keepwork and improved CDN settings on git data source.
  • refined issue pipeline and fixed several view issues on keepwork.


  • fixed crash on visiting physics entity
  • fixed world share with pagination on git source.
  • added tab key in GUIContainer
  • ParaX writer fully implemented


  • fixed worldshare line ending
  • CDN for keepwork tested and deployed
  • cname and mx conflict and uses for mail address.
  • X file binary exporter in C++ alpha 1
  • [10%] memory block file added and designed
  • dozens of memory block test animations are made.
  • New office design fixed
  • Shanghai Studio for mobile and community edition.
  • keepwork website editor redesign.
  • world share fixed many bugs and uses commit id for CDN download.
  • docker and mesos deployed for future operations.


  • added LINE to page file
  • added ShowExitDialog filter
  • edit box default empty text color changed.
  • paracraft buildin mod released
  • WorldShare Mod released and fixed many bugs.
  • fixed esc key causing Page.OnClose called multiple times.
  • fix stl exporter can not export bmax
  • ParaX exporter mod fixed bug: merge coplanar faces and bone animations.
  • reviewed block tower project.
  • fixed crash on freeimage io reader
  • CDN for keepwork reviewed and tested


  • fixed ParaIO read/write
  • lj_GC64 enabled by default in linux with luajit2.1 beta3
  • added base32
  • WorldShare and Keepwork project refined.
  • ParaX exporter mod v1.0 finished
  • Table DB raft phase 2
  • paracraft buildin mod project done.
  • added search zip file demo.
  • MovieAI 10%: designed movieclip used as character AI for real world movement.


  • NPL web socket merged to svn
  • fixed block piece particle auto release.
  • new office building


  • console will inherit paraent console if any.
  • fixed teleport to unloaded chunks
  • NPL TCP connection support upgrade to web socket protocol defined in RFC6455


  • drag and drop zip file now automatically recognizes world,mod,blocktextures types
  • build-in mod supported in paracraft. System mod supported by pluginloader
  • mod select page refined and shows total number of active plugins.


  • NPL.load now support absolute file path in windows system.
  • NPL.load folder now support zip package file and package.npl configuration inside package file is honored
  • paracraft now support preinstalled npl package.


  • ShareWorldPage refactored
  • Autonomous character animation project planned.
  • ActorNPC's Animation list is read from parax file


  • NPLRuntime sqlite3 support online backup API.
  • /blockfilemonitor [x y z] [filename] added for monitor external bmax file


  • paraxmodel animations exposed
  • NPLRuntime support PCH under windows
  • NPL.load now support package.npl with main script.
  • NPL dc/os architecture doc written
  • WSL(Windows subsystem for linux) is tested with NPLRuntime build process.
  • vs 2017 can be used as compiler for NPLRuntime


  • refined all help page tutorials and fixed tutorial progress bug
  • custom buffer picking system done and tested
  • NPL dockerfile added
  • update documentation for 9-tile image
  • update doc for buffer picking and encoding, update ask question section in NPL wiki.
  • NPLCAD 3.7.1 video tutorial published


  • report and meeting at anhui
  • keepwork website pre-alpha online
  • git data source implemented for keepwork
  • fixed crash on some animated fbx model
  • buffer picking api fully exposed and implemented
  • CAD algorithm further studied.
  • fixed mine-type for svg and a few other files.
  • TableDB raft implementation stage 1
  • paracraft build-in tutorials refined.
  • Mesh without skin is static costing little CPU.
  • added Encoding.Utf16ToUtf8 and Encoding.Utf8ToUtf16


  • fixed physics mesh index error and uses 32bits indices for paraxmodel.
  • wikicraft project tech demo released with gitlab datasource and a number of wiki mods.
  • studied mesos+marathon+chronos for distributed operating system.
  • studied docker containers in addition to vm
  • New NPL Tools 30%
  • Paracraft tutorial annotations for dozens of videos.
  • fixed build-in tutorial task sorting by filename instead of date time.
  • fixed png image reader with single colors.
  • BMaxToParaXExporter 80%


  • fixed epsilon in moving entity
  • fixed shift key when creating blocks.
  • fixed NPL.load return value with npl extension
  • fbx diffuse color is exported.


  • fix luajit 5.2 compat in script
  • Async resource queue can now automatically grow when full
  • Set/GetFieldCData supported for accessing big C++ data structure via ffi.
  • ParaXModelAttr implemented for accessing parax file details via NPL


  • paper world project reviews
  • guid class added.
  • std::thread crash with static boost in ubuntu and gcc 4.8.4


  • NPL docs site implemented and published with attachable third-parties
  • merged NPL MAC build to master
  • enable_file_monitor attribute for npl_script_handler in web framework.
  • reviewed third-party MVC web framework developed for NPL
  • wikicraft renamed to, deployed and reviewed for dev.
  • NPL Cluster Site reviewed
  • mem_cache in web framework now support expire time
  • ./ 6 now supports parallel build to decrease build time on dev machine.


  • fixed mod open folder
  • wikicraft editor refined
  • NPLCAD 3,4 opened
  • NPLCAD support include command
  • fixed a crash when render queue overflow
  • NPLRuntime appveyor now uses build-matrix
  • RenderOrder attribute added and implemented to pipeline
  • "zwrite" and "ztest" effect params added to ParaObject.
  • updated pipeline wiki doc


  • ParaIO.GetText automatically does utf16 conversion according to byte order.
  • NPL.load now hooks into require.


  • NPL vs plugin update 2.8 released with formatter
  • NPLRuntime 32bits/64bits installer finished with appveyor auto deploy
  • NPL.load now support file based module name and doc updated.
  • new command: /pointtexture off


  • Fix NPL.load with relative path with coroutine threads.
  • Starting Shenzhen ACM animation contest for youth.
  • NPL.filename added.
  • NPL delayed export supported.
  • require function now support NPL.load


  • NPL.export implemented with test cases that support cyclic dependency.
  • filename attribute added for NPL runtime state.
  • NPL runtime nsis installer finished. AppVeyor added for NPL Runtime.
  • published NPL CAD 3.6 tutorial.
  • NPL CAD stage 2 almost complete with performance optimization.


  • NPL.load will return cached file module.
  • openstreet and bing map studied.
  • file based module system designed on wiki.


  • open image with 8 bits png indexed color supported. updated test file and wiki doc.
  • XFile parser is supported on server version.


  • fixed FBX with too many indices
  • wikicraft project team building
  • NPLRuntime appveyor ci added
  • git sync auto pullback script


  • rpc now support timeout in NPL DSL.
  • fixed fbx with too many vertices
  • NPLRuntime now supports dll build
  • NPLRuntime now support appveyor ci under windows.
  • github ci backup done
  • NPLCAD 2 bug fix
  • wikicraft project refined and merged, fully support github data source.
  • lots of recruiting
  • NPL project planned


  • fixed comments in npl def statement.
  • npl language service for vs 2017 published and uploaded
  • NPLCAD stage 2 finished and published alpha version.
  • rpc class added and added for NPL dsl, now support multiple thread and remote thread
  • fixed block types id 81
  • wikicraft group meeting and team rebuilding
  • crc32 added to core npl package


  • NPL meta compiler several bug fixes
  • NPL language service fixed several bugs
  • NPL dgit stage 2 finished.
  • implemented and tested rsa lib in NPL
  • started Chinese language project on coding


  • fixed nested NPL.load with *.npl files.


  • FBX parser now support unlimited vertices provided they are in increasing order.
  • fixed transparency of static fbx model
  • NPL language service now support formatter and new meta-programming syntax
  • release NPLCAD 3.5 tutorial video
  • npl compiler now support meta compiler as well
  • *.npl file can be used as startup file.


  • NPL meta compiler integrated
  • rsa and bigint added to NPL
  • worldshare mod added
  • fixed physics engine in block world
  • NPL cad extended with meta programming
  • STL exporter refined.
  • fixed NPL c++ plugin samples and build file and documentation
  • a trip to Beijing about education in applied math
  • chrome embeded framework is refined.
  • released NPL CAD 3.3 and 3.4 tutorial video
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