A Django web application for searching and filtering books from Project Gutenberg's extensive collection of free eBooks.
git clone https://github.com/LinUxTo5re/gutenberg-books-mysql.git
cd gutenberg-books-mysql
pip install -r requirements.txt
before proceeding with next steps, unzip gutendex.sql.zip and follow steps (Mysql Script):
create new user: gutenberg
password for new user: gutenberg
create database: db_gutenberg
after this continue with following steps to run Django server:
python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate
python3 manage.py runserver
(run the server)
Access the Swagger API documentation by navigating to:
Alternatively, you can manually interact with the API by visiting:
Alternatively, you can manually hit the API endpoints by sending HTTP requests to the respective URLs.
(use as much as possible parameters in querystring in last one API call)