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A tool that can be used to convert Markdown or HTML format text to an image.

How does it work?

First, the script calls marked to parse Markdown into a HTML document. Next, use Puppeteer to start a headless browser and render the document with HTML and CSS templates. Finally, export our image through Puppeteer's screenshot API.


Rendering results:

MacOS Windows HTML Template CSS Template Notes
default preview default preview default default
empty preview empty preview default empty Only use base stylesheets
github preview github preview default github
github dark preview github dark preview default githubDark Should be used with theme: "dark"
words preview words preview words words It is recommended to use with plain text only


This tool requires a LTS Node version (v18.0.0+).

If your node version is lower than 18, please use the legacy version 0.2.3.



npm install -g mdimg

In Node.js project:

npm install mdimg




mdimg -i path/to/ -o path/to/output.png -w 600 --css github

mdimg will read text from path/to/ and convert it to an image file path/to/output.png.

When using the command, you must specify either -i (input file, recommended) or -t (directly input text).

When using -t to input Markdown text directly, escape characters will not be available. To fix this, for example, you should replace \n with <br>.

You can always call mdimg -h to get complete help.

In Node.js project

Import mdimg to your project:

import { mdimg } from "mdimg";

Convert markdown file to an image:

const convertRes = await mdimg({
  inputFilename: "path/to/",
  outputFilename: "path/to/output.png",
  width: 600,
  cssTemplate: "github",
  theme: "light",
  // or with dark theme
  // cssTemplate: "githubDark",
  // theme: "dark",

  `Convert to image successfully!\nImage has been saved as \`${convertRes.path}\``,

Convert markdown text to blob:

const convertRes = await mdimg({
  inputText: "# Hello world",
  encoding: "blob",

// import { writeFileSync } from "fs";
// writeFileSync("path/to/output.png",;

When using mdimg() method, you must specify either inputFilename (input file) or inputText (directly input text).

Here are all available options:

Argument Type Default Notes
inputText String undefined Input Markdown or HTML text directly. This option has no effect if inputFilename is specified
inputFilename String undefined Read Markdown or HTML text from a file
outputFilename String ./mdimg_output/mdimg_${new Date()}.${type} Output binary image filename. Available file extensions: jpeg, png, webp. Available when encoding option is binary
type "jpeg" | "png" | "webp" png File type of the image. Type will be inferred from outputFilename if specified
width Number 800 Width in pixel of output image
height Number 100 Min-height in pixel of output image. No less than 100
encoding "base64" | "binary" | "blob" binary Encode type of output image
quality Number 100 Quality of the image, between 0-100. Not applicable to png image
htmlText String undefined HTML rendering text
cssText String undefined CSS rendering text
htmlTemplate String default HTML rendering template. Available presets can be found in template/html. If ends with .html, the mdimg will try to read local file. This option has no effect if htmlText is specified
cssTemplate String default CSS rendering template. Available presets can be found in template/css. If ends with .css, the mdimg will try to read local file. This option has no effect if cssText is specified
theme light | dark light Rendering color theme, will impact styles of code block and so on
extensions Boolean | IExtensionOptions true Configurations for extensions
log Boolean false Print execution logs via stderr
debug Boolean false Whether to keep temporary HTML file after rendering
puppeteerProps LaunchOptions undefined Launch options of Puppeteer

Returns: Promise<object>

Key Value Type Notes
data string | Uint8Array BASE64 encoded string (encoding is base64) or Uint8Array blob (encoding is binary or blob) of the output image
path string Path of output image. Available when encoding is binary
html string Rendered HTML document

Custom template

😍 Contribute to template presets via pull requests is welcomed!

Template presets are stored in the template directory.

If you execute the following command:

mdimg --html custom --css custom

Or in Node.js project:

await mdimg({
  htmlTemplate: "custom",
  cssTemplate: "custom",

The mdimg will read template/html/custom.html as HTML template and template/css/custom.css as CSS template in the mdimg directory to render the image.

HTML Template

Create a new .html file in template/html directory.

There is only one rule you need to follow: an element with id mdimg-body wrapping an element with class markdown-body.

The simplest example:

<div id="mdimg-body">
  <div class="markdown-body"></div>

The mdimg will put the parsed HTML content in the element which class="markdown-body" (elements inside will be replaced), and finally generate the image for the whole element which id="mdimg-body".

CSS Template

Nothing to note, create a new .css file in template/css directory and then make your style!

For further development, it is recommended that write .scss or .sass files in the template/scss directory, and use the following command to generate CSS templates:

# Build .scss and .sass files
yarn rollup:sass

CSS templates with the corresponding name will be generated in template/css directory.

Local Template

Template presets may not often meet your needs. If you already know the specifications of HTML template and CSS template, you can pass the template directly. There are two methods:

  1. Using local template file. Pass a local filepath with the file extension .html and .css through options --html and --css with CLI (htmlTemplate and cssTemplate with Node.js).
  2. Using template text. Pass template text through --htmlText and --cssText with CLI (htmlText and cssText with Node.js).


# use local file
mdimg --html path/to/custom.html --css path/to/custom.css

# use text directly
mdimg --htmlText '<div id="mdimg-body"><div class="markdown-body"></div></div>' --cssText '@import ""; .markdown-body { padding: 6rem 4rem; }'

Or in Node.js project:

// use local file
await mdimg({
  htmlTemplate: "path/to/custom.html",
  cssTemplate: "path/to/custom.css",

// use text directly
await mdimg({
  htmlText: `<div id="mdimg-body">
  <div class="markdown-body"></div>
  cssText: `@import "";
.markdown-body {
  padding: 6rem 4rem;


Extensions are default enabled. You can easily configuration them in Node.js:

await mdimg({
  extensions: false, // disable all extensions

await mdimg({
  extensions: {
    highlightJs: false, // disable highlight.js
    mathJax: {
      // further configuration for MathJax
      // ...
    mermaid: true, // enable mermaid (by default)

In CLI, you can only enable or disable extensions globally:

mdimg --extensions false # disable all extensions

Extended Syntaxes

Some extended syntaxes, such as LaTeX, can't be parsed by pure marked correctly. To solve this problem, the mdimg introduces some third-party libraries to enhance rendering capabilities. Below are introduced libraries:

MathJax is an open-source JavaScript display engine for LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation.

⚠️ The single dollar sign $ is not enabled by default to render inline LaTeX. Because It is used too frequently in normal text, so if you want to use it for math delimiters, you must specify it explicitly. In Node.js project:

await mdimg({
  extensions: {
    mathJax: {
      tex: {
        inlineMath: [
          ["$", "$"],
          ["\\(", "\\)"],

CLI doesn't support to configuration extensions, so you need to override MathJax options in HTML template directly:

<!-- path/to/template.html -->
<div id="mdimg-body">
  <div class="markdown-body"></div>

  MathJax = {
    tex: {
      inlineMath: [
        ["$", "$"],
        ["\\(", "\\)"],
mdimg --html path/to/template.html

⚠️ Due to the parse behaviors between marked and MathJax: "\" before any ASCII punctuation character is backslash escape, so "\\" (or "\,") should be written as "\\\\" (or "\\,"). You need to manually replace characters or wrap the LaTeX code in a <div> block. Example:

A_{m,n} =
a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & \cdots & a_{1,n} \\
a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & \cdots & a_{2,n} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
a_{m,1} & a_{m,2} & \cdots & a_{m,n}

Mermaid is a JavaScript-based diagramming and charting tool that uses Markdown-inspired text definitions and a renderer to create and modify complex diagrams.

Sequence diagram example:

  Alice->>Bob: Hello Bob, how are you ?
  Bob->>Alice: Fine, thank you. And you?
  create participant Carl
  Alice->>Carl: Hi Carl!
  create actor D as Donald
  Carl->>D: Hi!
  destroy Carl
  Alice-xCarl: We are too many
  destroy Bob
  Bob->>Alice: I agree

Other Extensions

Highlight.js is a syntax highlighter.


git clone
cd mdimg


# Check lint rules
yarn lint
# Check lint rules and fix resolvable errors
yarn lint:fix


# Build .js, .scss and .sass files
yarn build


# Build productions before testing
yarn build
# Run test cases
yarn test

Inspired by

  • md2img. Provided me the idea and a complete feasible solution.