Malwasm is a command-line tool that detects the usage of WASM in websites and performs analysis to determine if the WASM files contain any malicious functions.
- Python 3
- Google Chrome
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt # Recommended to use pyenv
# Set up chrome driver for Selenium
sudo apt-get install -y curl unzip xvfb libxi6 libgconf-2-4 fonts-liberation
sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
rm google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
Run Malwasm using
# Scrape URL for wasm resources
python3 -u
# Disassemble wasm binary to generate _dis.txt & _dis.wat
# _dis.wat - pseudo .wat file
# _dis.txt - contains CFG dictionary data, Module semantic profile, Functions' profile
python3 -d -f cryptonight.wasm
# Generate _rule.json rule file for analysis
python3 -gr -f cryptonight.wasm
# Deep analysis [-a 2] (Semantic Profiling) of game.wasm based on cryptonight_rule.json
python3 -a 2 -f game.wasm -r cryptonight_rule.json
# Gnerate Call Graph from wasm file
python3 -cg -f cryptonight.wasm
# Gnerate Control Flow Graph from wasm file
python3 -cfg -fn <function name> -f cryptonight.wasm
# Gnerate Data Flow Graph from wasm file
python3 -dfg -fn <function name> -f cryptonight.wasm
# Run yara program against wasm file for malicious signature
# custom rules can be added to resources/yara_rules/ directory and the program will compile the rules
python3 -y -f cryptonight.wasm
-u url of website to scrape wasm binaries & save in Temp folder
-f specify .wasm file to analyze/generate json rule
-gr generate json rule of -f .wasm input & save _rule.json in Output folder
-d disassemble .wasm & output _dis.txt, _dis.wat & save in Output folder
-a analyze -f .wasm based on -r rule.json & save _analysis.txt in Output folder
-a [1, 2] - default=1, 1 = Quick Analysis, 2 = Deep Analysis
Quick Analysis based on function's total instructions/block count
Deep Analysis based on function's semantic profiling
-r specify .json rule for analysis
-fn specify the function name for generation of the control flow and data flow graph
-y specify yara malware detection program to run
-cg generate call graph from specified wasm file
-cfg generate control flow graph from specified wasm file with the specified function name
-dfg generate data flow graph from specified wasm file with the specified function name
Generate semantic profile rule from wasm file
Quick analysis of wasm file against generated rule
Deep analysis of wasm file against generated rule
Generate Call Graph of wasm file
Generate Control Flow Graph of specified function in wasm file