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Martin Kelm edited this page Jul 25, 2013 · 11 revisions

This page contains more details about the simulation of markets, it is part of the game concept.

In and out for companies

Companies of a market have ranks and CPU companies with a lower rank have a higher probability to going bankrupt. If a company leaves a market, a new company will be initialized in the under half of the market ranking, e.g. on position 26-50. The new company will get a random race, with race probabilities depending on the current market share of companies with a specific race. The research TL depends on other companies of the related race, and can be a little bit higher or lower than the average research TL value.

Technology markets

Technology markets contains companies for different research / technology fields which depend on entry TLs related to a race. A technology market has more companies with a higher race (TL) than a lower race (TL) when the planet's markets will be initialized. A random calculation with probabilities in relation to the company rank in a market can change the TL of a company in the further process to another race TL, but the company's race will be the same as before.

As mentioned in the main concept article the company rank should be changed a little bit every quarter. Technology companies do not have further dependencies, so it is an easy random calculation for a negative or positive change by using a probability. If the random value for a negative change is higher than the value for a positive change, the rank will be changed to the next lower position and vice versa. A specific range of these values will be ignored to keep the rank.

As mentioned in the main concept article, the research speed depends on the rank and the research TL, and a new research TL in a certain company will stop the research process for the player, until he made more investments for the new research TL. More details about research costs in the main concept article.

The funding companies for advertisement technology and laboratories for drugs technology have ranks too, but includes different shares of 3 technology fields in each company / laboratory. The research speed depends on the rank, the race TL and the research TL of a certain research field and additionally on the share of this field in the company.

The share of research fields should change a little bit every quarter too and do not have a range in the random values to keep the share values. If a research field gets a higher research TL the player has to pay something to start with the next, higher research process. More details in the main concept article.

The calculation of the advertisement / drugs market might be more complex for one company / laboratory but these markets do not have companies for each technology field. The current amount of technology companies for each technology field should be 50. For 4 hardware, 3 software, 1 advertisement, 1 drugs field(s) the overall amount of companies is 450.

If the implementation gets to complex, the first version of the advertisement / drugs market can ignore the features to change the share of research fields, because the market has an in-out feature for companies, and new companies have another share mix.

Maybe it might be useful to use 150 companies in the advertisement / drugs market, if 50 companies do not offer enough challenges. This should be tested in a later development phase for balancing.

Mass Control Market

This market is the market of the player's company. All companies on this market have a maximal product TL depending on research by investments in other companies.

The concept does not include a real simulation of this market yet. The game starts with the player's company and a random calculation with a specific probability can create a new company on this market every quarter. The maximal amount of companies on this market should be limited to 50.

The other companies have no internal calculations yet, they are placeholders or dummies to simulate a market view. And they will be used as targets for illegal research operations as mentioned in the main concept. These operations do not have an effect on the other companies in the first version.

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