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Copyright 2021 RISE Research Institute of Sweden - Maritime Operations. Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. For details, please contact Fredrik Olsson (fredrik.x.olsson(at)

A libcluon-based microservice for eavesdropping on a NMEA2000 stream over either UDP or TCP. This software does not perform any parsing or validation of the N2k frames, merely acts as a one-way bridge to a libcluon group. However, it is currently specifically developed for receiving data from a YDEN-02 device in the format:

04:54:52.150 R 15FD080E 36 00 02 9F 73 FF FF FF

How do I get it?

Each release of cluon-nmea2000 is published as a docker image here and is publicly available.

Can also be used as a standalone commandline tool. No pre-built binaries are, however, provided for this purpose.

Example docker-compose setup

The example below showcases a setup with two gatherers (listening on two separate stream (one UDP and one TCP)) and one logger that aggregates published messages from the gatherers into a single file.

version: '2'
        container_name: cluon-nmea2000-listener-1
        restart: on-failure
        network_mode: "host"
        command: "--cid 111 --id 1 --udp -a -p 1457"
        container_name: cluon-nmea2000-listener-2
        restart: on-failure
        network_mode: "host"
        command: "--cid 111 --id 2 -a -p 6002"


Message set

Makes use of the public message set for maritime applications:

Build from source

This repository makes use of CPM.cmake for dependency resolution as an interal part of the CMake setup. As a result, the only requirements for building from source are:

  • a C++17 compliant compiler
  • CMake (>=3.14)

As part of the CMake configuration step, the following dependencies are downloaded and configured:

To build (from the root directory of this repo):

cmake -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build -- -j 8


Unit tests for the NMEA01843 sentence assembler is compiled into the executable cluon-nmea2000-tester.

To run tests (after successful build):

cd build
ctest -C Debug -T test --output-on-failure --

Development setup

This repo contains some configuration files (in the .vscode-folder) for getting started easy on the following setup:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 (WSL2 is fine)
  • GCC 9
  • python 3
  • VSCode as IDE, using the following extensions:
    • C/C++ (ms-vscode.cpptools)
    • C/C++ Extension Pack (ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack)
    • CMake Tools (ms-vscode.cmake-tools)
    • Python (ms-python.python)

Do the following steps to get started:

  • Clone repo
  • Create a python virtual environment (python3 -m venv venv) in the root of the repo.
  • Open vscode in the repo root (code .)

The provided configuration is very lightweight and should be easily adaptable to other enviroments/setups.