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Background illustrations

deby edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 11 revisions

↑ Parent: Advanced tutorials

← Previous: Custom users preferences and settings

If the license offers a set of nice illustrations, you may want to use them to help the website look good.

Example of illustrations that can be used:

Example of illustrations that can be used

On the homepage:

On profile pages:

Staff can test them out:


Plain backgrounds (without any character) can be used:

Set up backgrounds

To set up backgrounds, you can use the following Website settings:

Setting About Default value
BACKGROUNDS A static, fixed list of backgrounds []
BACKGROUNDS_MODEL The model class where backgrounds are stored None
BACKGROUNDS_FILTER When BACKGROUNDS_MODEL is specified, this allows to limit which backgrounds are allowed or not lambda q: q
ONLY _SET _BACKGROUND _FROM _COLLECTION When BACKGROUNDS_MODEL is specified, the settings page will show a link to the list view of the backgrounds collection instead of a modal. This is recommended if there are too many backgrounds to load in a modal. False
GET_BACKGROUNDS Write your own logic entirely to retrieve backgrounds dynamically None

You can also set up season-specific backgrounds, see Seasons.

ℹ️ Backgrounds are cached, see Use generated settings.

In all cases, backgrounds will be represented as a list of dicts. Each dict corresponds to a background and should include the following settings:

Key Value Default
id Unique identifier for this background Required
image_url URL to the background image Required
name Name of the background (translated if possible) Required
thumbnail_url URL to a thumbnail version of the background image value of image
hd_image URL to a higher quality version of the background image, loaded automatically for users with big screens None
d_names Dict of background names in other languages {}
homepage Should the background be displayed on the Homepage? True
profile Should the background be available as an option for users to select from to customize their profile? True

If you're using BACKGROUNDS_MODEL but you're not using GET_BACKGROUNDS, backgrounds will be retrieved like so:

Key How it's retrieved
image_url item.background_image_url or item.image_url
name unicode(item)
thumbnail_url item.background_image_thumbnail_url or item.image_thumbnail_url
hd_image item.background_image_2x_url or item.image_2x_url
d_names item.d_unicodes
homepage item.show_background_on_homepage or item.show_image_on_homepage
profile item.show_background_on_profile



Example of homepage with background

It's recommended to use a simple, light colored patterned background.

Takes a full URL or a path in static/img/.


HOMEPAGE_BACKGROUND = 'bg_pattern.png'


Example of homepage with ribbon

If the text is hard to read because the background is too rich, you can add a flat ribbon:




Examples of homepage with art background, centered Examples of homepage with art background with characters Examples of homepage with art background on the side

To set up arts, you can use the following Website settings:

Setting About Default value
HOMEPAGE_ARTS A static, fixed list of arts []
GET_HOMEPAGE_ARTS Write your own logic entirely to retrieve arts dynamically None

You can also set up season-specific arts, see Seasons.

ℹ️ Arts are cached, see Use generated settings.

In all cases, arts will be represented as a list of dicts. Each dict corresponds to an "art" and should include the following settings:

Key Value Default
url URL of the image (full URL or a path in static/img/) Required, unless foreground_url specified
hd_url You may provide a small, mobile-optimized image in url and the full size image in hd_url (full URL or a path in static/img/). It will be loaded dynamically with Javascript if the screen is considered big enough. None
about_url If provided, a ℹ️ icon will be displayed on the bottom left corner to allow users to learn more about the background. None
foreground_url URL of a transparent image representing something to show in the foreground, with one of the (backgrounds)(#backgrounds) behind it. See guide below Required if url is not specified, otherwise None
side See guide below Value of HOMEPAGE_ART_SIDE
position See guide below Value of HOMEPAGE_ART_POSITION
gradient See guide below Value of HOMEPAGE_ART_GRADIENT
ribbon See Ribbon Value of HOMEPAGE_RIBBON


	'url': u'background_1.png',
        'url': u'background_2.png',

A random value within the list will be used every time the homepage is loaded.

Examples of homepage with all 3 options for sides

By default, the background will show across the whole page and the website's details will be centered.

If your background features character(s), you may want to have it on the side. Choices are: left, right or across.



You can also specify side within each art dict in HOMEPAGE_ARTS.

If your character is centered on your image, you'll need to do some adjustments using position in art in HOMEPAGE_ARTS or globally with HOMEPAGE_ART_POSITION:

Example of homepages with a character centered adjusted with position

Background + Foreground used in example below Example with foreground images

If your art urls don't have characters and you have transparent images of characters, you can specify foreground_url in your art dictionaries in HOMEPAGE_ARTS.


        'url': u'background_1.png',
	'foreground_url': u'honoka.png',
        'url': u'background_1.png',
	'foreground_url': u'kotori.png',

If you have plain backgrounds (no characters) specified in BACKGROUNDS in your settings, url becomes optional and a random background will be picked when url is not specified:


        'id': 1,
        'image': u'background_1.png',
        'name': _('Rainbow'),
	'foreground_url': u'honoka.png',
	'foreground_url': u'kotori.png',

Staff members are allowed to test foregrounds using the GET parameter foreground_preview which takes the full URL of an image. Both preview and foreground_preview can be combined.

Before/After repositioning homepage art

If your background is not positioned correctly, you can configure HOMEPAGE_ART_POSITION:


    'position': 'center right',
    'size': '150%',
    'y': '40%',
    'x': '100%',

Default values for each fields:

    'position': 'center center',
    'size': 'cover',
    'y': 'center',
    'x': 'center',

You can also specify position within each art dict in HOMEPAGE_ARTS.

Before/After repositioning homepage foreground

If you need to re-position the foreground, there are no settings available for that so you will need to write some LESS/CSS to achieve it:


.current-activity_list[class*="shortcut-"], .current-index {
    .home-wrapper {
        .home-foreground img {
            width: 50%;
            top: 55%;
        &.right .home-foreground img {
            left: 45%;
        &.left .home-foreground img {
            left: -5%;

If the text is hard to read because the background is too rich, you can add a white gradient halo:



You can also specify gradient within each art dict in HOMEPAGE_ARTS.

If you would like to use illustrations from items in database, you can add the list of arts in your generated settings:


homepage_arts = [
        'url': card.art_url,
        'hd_url': card.art_2x_url or card.art_original_url,
        'about_url': card.item_url,
    for card in models.Card.objects.filter(show_art_on_homepage=True, art__isnull=False).exclude(art='')
    'HOMEPAGE_ARTS': homepage_arts,


from django.conf import settings as django_settings

HOMEPAGE_ARTS = getattr(django_settings, 'HOMEPAGE_ARTS', None)

If you have illustrations per character and want to give your users a personalized experience, you can provide RANDOM_ART_FOR_CHARACTER. It will only be called when the user is logged in, has at least one favorite character set up in their settings, with a 20% chance (the remaining 80% of the time, a random choice from the provided HOMEPAGE_ARTS will be returned).


def randomArtForCharacter(character_id):
        card = models.Card.objects.filter(
    except IndexError:
        return {
            'url': 'default_art.png',
    return {
        'url': card.art_url,
        'hd_url': card.art_2x_url or card.art_original_url,
        'about_url': card.item_url,


from .utils import randomArtForCharacter

RANDOM_ART_FOR_CHARACTER = randomArtForCharacter

ℹ︎ See also: Activities tabs

ℹ︎ See also: Disable activities


Profile backgrounds


Account headers


Staff tools

Staff members with permission list_homepage_arts (default: Manager, Database maintainer, Database maintainer (API) and Developer) are allowed to:

  • See all the arts

    by going to /homepage_arts/ page

    They will also see the current seasons arts and current birthday arts.

  • Test out backgrounds/arts

    by manually adding GET parameters to the homepage URL /:

    Key Description
    preview URL of the art main image
    hd_url_preview URL of the HD version of the main art
    foreground_preview URL of foreground image
    position_x_preview Change x in art position
    position_y_preview Change y in art position
    position_size_preview Change size in art position
    side_preview Change which side
    ribbon_preview Shows/hide ribbon (true or false)
    gradient_preview Shows/hide gradient (true or false)

→ Next: More

I. Introduction

II. Tutorials

  1. Collections
    1. MagiModel
    2. MagiCollection
    3. MagiForm
    4. MagiFiltersForm
    5. MagiFields
  2. Single pages
  3. Configuring the navbar

III. References

IV. Utils

V. Advanced tutorials

VI. More

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