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Templates utils

deby edited this page Mar 13, 2019 · 5 revisions

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Utility functions in templates

MagiCircles provides a set of utility functions for templates. You can load them using tools:

{% load tools %}

Note that using template tags, either provided ones below or your own, adds a significant loading cost. See "Avoid calling functions in templates" in ⎡Coding style⎦.

Name Description Parameters Return value
addint Concatenate an integer at the end of a string string, int string
anon_format Same than format but parameters that are not named. Equivalent of 'hello {}'.format('Deby') string, **kwargs string
call Call a function function, parameter returns the returned value after the function has been called
callWithContext Takes a dict that contains a function, calls it with the current context, up to 3 parameters and stores the returned value in result_of_callwithcontext in the context dict, function (= string name key in dict), p1=None, p2=None, p3=None None
format Format a string with the given dictionary. Equivalent of: 'hello {name}!'.format(name='Deby') string, **kwargs string
getattribute Gets an attribute of an object dynamically from a string name value, arg the attribute
isList Is thing a list? thing bool
isnone Return True if the value is None value bool
mod Is a divisible by b? a, b a % b == 0
modelName Takes an instance of a django model and returns the string name thing string
orcallable Will check if a variable is callable and call it, or just return it if it's not. Will also translate it if needed. var_or_callable value
padzeros Pad an integer with zeros value, length string
split Returns a list of strings from a string string, splitter=',') list
startswith Check if a string starts with another string string, string bool
t Translated string for terms in django_translated, see ⎡Avoid generating translation terms for terms already available in Django framework string localized string
times Create a range from 0 to value value list of integers
trans_anon_format Same than trans_format but parameters that are not named. Equivalent of _('hello {}').format('Deby') string, **kwargs string
trans_format Same than format but with a translated string. Equivalent of _('hello {name}!').format(name='Deby') string, **kwargs string

Available templates

MagiCircles provides 2 kinds of templates you can use:

Base templates


Should be used as a base when you create single pages.

Available blocks:

Name Available as variable? Description
title page_title What's in the HTML <title> in the header.
extracss extracss Inclusion of other CSS files.
shareimage share_image Preview image used when the URL to this page is shared on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc).
shareimagetwitter share_image Preview image used when the URL to this page is shared to Twitter.
content The main block that contains the content of your page.
js js Inclusion of other Javascript files. Loaded after the external dependencies (jQuery, Bootstrap, etc) and before MagiCircles Javascript files (commons, magi_main, main)
js2 js2 Another block for inclusion of other Javascript files if the first block/variable has already been set and you don't want to overwrite it.
afterjs afterjs Inclusion of other Javascript files. Loaded after MagiCircles Javascript files.

Variables you can set:

Name Value Default Example
hidenavbar Show or hide the navbar at the top of the website. Should only be used if it needs to be forced to True, as a GET parameter hidenavbar is available for all pages. False
corner_popups It's already in your global context, but you can add some popups if needed. See Corner popups. []
js_files List of Javascript files, as full URLs or as file names in your static folder, without the .js extension at the end. None `['', 'bower/github-wiki/js/githubwiki', 'wiki']
js_variables A dictionary of variables to be made available in Javascript for your own scripts. You should use jsv available in Python Utils to ensure your variables will be loaded correctly. None { 'is_happy': jsv(is_happy) }
cuteform_fields Should always be added by cuteFormFieldsForContext (in Python Utils)
ajax_callback A single Javascript function that will be called when the page is loaded, before afterjs. None 'loadURLs'


It's essentially the equivalent of base.html but without the HTML boilerplate: HTML <head>, <body>, and the nav bar.

Should be used as a base when you create single pages available in Ajax.

Available blocks:

Name Available as variable? Description
content include_template The main block that contains the content of your page.
js Inclusion of Javascript files. Will be loaded when the Ajax page is included in your page, so all the Javascript files from the base template will have been loaded already.
js2 Another block for inclusion of other Javascript files if the first block/variable has already been set and you don't want to overwrite it.
afterjs Inclusion of Javascript files. Will be loaded after js_variables and cuteform fields have been loaded.

Variables you can set:

Name Value Default Example
below_item Template included after the include_template, when content block is not overridden. None 'alert'
js_files List of Javascript files, as full URLs or as file names in your static folder, without the .js extension at the end.
js_variables A dictionary of variables to be made available in Javascript for your own scripts. You should use jsv available in Python Utils to ensure your variables will be loaded correctly. None { 'is_happy': jsv(is_happy) }
ajax_callback A single Javascript function that will be called when the page is loaded. Can't be used if afterjs is overridden. None 'loadURLs'


Your go-to template to load pages that contain forms!

For a single form, you can provide the variable form in the context, and if you want multiple, you can provide forms as a dictionary.

The variable extends is always required. You can set it to base.html or ajax.html depending on your page.

Available blocks:

Name Available as a variable? Variable per form? Description
beforeforms beforeforms Shown at the top of the page, before any form.
beforeform beforeform Dict*, Property* Shown at the top of the form, before the title.
imagetitle image or icon Property* An image or icon that shows up before the title of the form as decoration.
title form_title Property* Title of the form, shows up at the top of the form. Defaults to the page's title
beforefields beforefields Dict*, Property* Shown before the form fields, after the form's title.
form How the form(s) gets displayed.
afterfields afterfields Dict*, Property* Shown after the form fields, before the submit button.
otherbuttons otherbuttons Dict*, Property* Additional buttons to be shown before the main submit button.
submit Property* Title of the submit button. Defaults to "Apply changes"
belowform belowform Dict*, Property* Shown after the form, after the submit button.
belowforms belowforms Shown at the end of the page, after the form(s).

*Dict: You can provide a dictionary in the context. Keys correspond to the form name.

*Property: You can set that value within the form itself, as a property.

Variables you can set:

Name Value Default Example
extends base.html or ajax.html Required
multipart Should the form(s) allow files upload? False

Variables you can set as form's properties:

Name Value Default Example
action The URL to which the form should be submitted. Same page with anchor to form (if multiple forms) '/onsubmit/'


You can use this template base if you would like a side bar on your page, similar to the side bars used to filter list views or the side bar of the wiki and help pages.

It extends base.html, so blocks and variables from base.html are also available.

Available blocks:

Name Available as a variable? Description
sidebar Content shown in the side bar itself.
`sidebar_content Content of the page.

Variables you can set:

Name Value Default Example
hide_side_bar Will not show the side bar at all. Makes it look just like any page extending base.html. False
side_bar_no_padding If set to True , the side bar will not have any padding. False
small_container If set to True, makes the page container smaller. False
no_container If set to True, the page will not be in a container, making it full width. False


A simpler version of form.html.

Available blocks:

Name Available as a variable? Description
beforefields Shown before the form fields, under the title.
afterfields Shown after the form fields, before the submit button.
submit Title of the submit button. Defaults to 'Apply changes'.
belowform Shown after the form, below the submit button.

Variables you can set:

Name Value Default Example
title Title of the form. Required _('Settings')


Should be used as a base for any HTML email. See send_email in Python Utils for more details about how to send emails.

Available blocks:

Name Available as a variable? Description
subject Subject of the email. Defaults to t_site_name (from email context)
headersubject Visible subject of the email. Defaults to t_site_name (from email context)
content Content of the email.
actionbutton Full HTML of an action button shown in the footer. Defaults to a button you can configure with actionlink and actionbuttontitle.
actionlink The URL to which you want your action button to point to. Defaults to the website's homepage.
actionbuttontitle The title of the action button. Defaults to the name of the website.
footersentence A sentence at the end of the email. Defaults to "Thanks for using our site!".



A Bootstrap alert.

Variables you can set:

Name Value Default Example
alert_message The message of the alert. Required. _('Permission denied.')
alert_type success, info, warning, danger, main, secondary, and any value in COLOR (see Website Settings) warning
alert_flaticon Flaticon about
alert_button_link A button will show up which will point to this URL. None '/activities/'
alert_button_string If alert_button_link, this is required and should be the title of the button. None _('Home')


Shows the avatar of a user. This is the recommended way to show an avatar, anywhere.

Variables you can set:

Name Value Default Example
av_user User instance, with preselected preferences. Required request.user
av_size Font size of the heart displayed next to the avatar when the user is premium. Required 30
av_image_size Size of the avatar (width and height will be equal). Required 200
av_link Should the avatar link to the profile of the user? False
av_account_id If av_link is True, it will link this specific account within the profile with an anchor None
av_class Extra classes to be added to the avatar. None 'btn'
av_external If av_link is True, should the link open in a new tab? False
av_username Should the username be displayed under the avatar? False
av_button Should the avatar be in a button? (Classes: btn, btn-main) False
av_fixed Should the avatar be of fixed size? Otherwise, will have a max-width of 100%. Often useful considering the default avatar is never resized. False
av_inline Should the avatar be displayed inline? Defaults to a responsive block. False
av_align Align the avatar to the right, left or center. Will follow the parent's css


Adds a comment section to any page. Mostly useful for Single pages.

Variables you can set:

Name Value Default Example
disqus_identifier The identifier of your page. Required about


Shows share buttons.

Variables you can set:

Name Value Default Example
share_url The URL to be shared. Required item.http_item_url
share_sentence The sentence to be shared. Required _('Check out my profile!')
share_btn_class Class of the button (btn-something). main


Can be included in footersentence when using emails/base.html. Will show a link to encourage users to donate. Should only be used when sending nice, positive emails.

→ Next: Javascript utils

I. Introduction

II. Tutorials

  1. Collections
    1. MagiModel
    2. MagiCollection
    3. MagiForm
    4. MagiFiltersForm
    5. MagiFields
  2. Single pages
  3. Configuring the navbar

III. References

IV. Utils

V. Advanced tutorials

VI. More

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