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Default pages

deby edited this page Oct 5, 2018 · 1 revision

↑ Parent: References

← Previous: Default collections

Some pages are provided by default.

Default pages

URL Enabled by default Details
/ No Index page. Can be used when activities are disabled.
/login/ Yes Login form, only when users are NOT authenticated.
/signup/ Yes Signup form, only when users are NOT authenticated.
/user/{pk}/{username}/ Yes Just an alias to the profile page, will just call item_view. Useful to have a link to that view in the navbar.
/settings/ Yes Allow an authenticated user to edit their profile and preferences.
/logout/ Yes Will logout the current user and redirect to the homepage. No view.
/about/ Yes About page with a description of the website, the owners, the staff members and credits.
/prelaunch/ Yes Useful page when LAUNCH_DATE is provided in settings. Will display a countdown.
/map/ Yes A world map of all the users who provided their location.
/help/ Yes The homepage of the help pages of the website, with FAQ and guides.
/help/{wiki_url}/ Yes A specific page in the help pages.
/wiki/ No The homepage of the wiki of the website, with FAQ and guides.
/wiki/{wiki_url}/ No A specific page in the wiki.
/twitter_avatar/{twitter}/ Yes A handy URL that will redirect to the Twitter avatar URL.


URL Enabled by default Details
/ajax/about/ Yes Ajax version of the about page, see above.
/ajax/about_game/ Yes An illustration and a short description of the game. Opens as a popup from a link on the homepage when users are not authenticated.
/ajax/deletelink/{pk}/ Yes Called from the settings page to delete a link without leaving the page.
/ajax/likeactivity/{pk}/ Yes Called from the activities to like an activity without leaving the page.
/ajax/follow/{username}/ Yes Called from the profiles to follow a user without leaving the page.
/ajax/changelanguage/ Yes Triggered from the dropdown to change the language available on all pages.
/ajax/moderatereport/{report}/{action}/ Yes In staff page to manage reports, allows staff to moderate multiple reports in a row without leaving the page.
/ajax/reportwhatwillbedeleted/{report}/ Yes A popup shown when a staff member tries to delete a reported item to warn them of all the other items that will be cascadely deleted.
/ajax/successedit/ Yes A simple page to use on successful edit when ajax is disabled for an item view.
  • Full details of the configuration of each page in: magi/
  • Full details of the implementation of each page in magi/

→ Next: Website settings

I. Introduction

II. Tutorials

  1. Collections
    1. MagiModel
    2. MagiCollection
    3. MagiForm
    4. MagiFiltersForm
    5. MagiFields
  2. Single pages
  3. Configuring the navbar

III. References

IV. Utils

V. Advanced tutorials

VI. More

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