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Javascript utils

deby edited this page Mar 14, 2019 · 11 revisions

↑ Parent: Utils

← Previous: Templates utils

All the following functions are available in all pages. You can call them from any javascript file, as long as it's included after the inclusion of all the main Javascript files.

Name Description Parameters Return value
disableButton Make any button not clickable. Can be useful to avoid allowing someone to click a button again after it's been clicked. See also ⎡Make a form only submittable once⎦. button None
gettext Get the translation of a term. In python, you need to provide this translation in JAVASCRIPT_TRANSLATED_TERMS MagiCircles settings. term translated string
freeModal Show a bootstrap modal.
  • Use true for modal_size to not change the size
  • Use 0 for buttons to remove all buttons
  • modal_size can be md, lg or sm
title, body, buttons=(Go button that closes the modal), modal_size='lg' None
formShowMore If your form is long, you decide to hide some fields and show a button to show more, which will show all the fields on click. form, cutOff (field name, without id_), includingCutOff (bool, optional, default = false), until (optional, field name of last, default = all the remaining fields), includingUntil (bool, optional, default = false) None
formSeparator Adds a vertical line to make a visual separation in a single form. form, cutOff (field name, without id_), includingCutOff (optional, default = false), title (optional string title to show on the separator) None
confirmModal Show a modal to confirm a critical action. It takes a callback that you can use to perform the action. onConfirmed, onCanceled=undefined, title=gettext('Confirm'), body=gettext('You can't cancel this action afterwards.') None
genericAjaxError You may use this function to handle errors in your ajax calls. It will simply display the error in an alert xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError None
directAddCollectible To be used with buttons to add an item to your collection. Instead of loading the form to add in a modal, will attempt to load it in the background and submit it, then update the counter of total collected items. uniquePerOwner can also be set in data-unique-per-owner. buttons, uniquePerOwner (optional, default=False) None
modalCuteFormSeparators Separates CuteForm modals choices into sections. Can be useful for merged fields (See "Merge fields" in MagiFiltersForm) object with required keys: by (choice of 'by_name_prefix_nth', 'by_name_prefix_value', 'by_name', 'by_value_prefixes'), and optional keys: hr (bool), margin (bool), callback_before None


A bunch of "common" functions are called together when:

  • on load of any page
  • when a view is loaded in a modal
  • when a new pagination page is loaded

You may call loadCommons again if needed, for example if you load new HTMl within the page. You may also call these functions individually.

Functions called (in this order):

Name Description
loadToolTips Load Bootstrap tooltips. Learn more.
loadPopovers Load Bootstrap popovers. Learn more
formloaders See ⎡Make a form only submittable once⎦.
dateInputSupport Check if the current browser has support for HTML5 date input and if not (= just a text input), will show a help text with the date format.
hideStaffButtons See ⎡Hide staff-only buttons⎦.
ajaxModals See ⎡Load an Ajax page in a modal⎦.
loadCountdowns See ⎡Countdowns
loadTimezones See ⎡Timezones
loadMarkdown See ⎡Markdown
reloadDisqus Will force reload Disqus script that displays the total number of comments in the link to the comment section of a page.
directAddCollectible($('[data-quick-add-to-collection="true"]')) Will load Javascript utility to quickly add collectibles to your collection.

You can add your own code to the code that runs when loadCommons is called. See JAVASCRIPT_COMMONS in Website settings.

Pass Python variables to Javascript

In both cases, you'll need to first check that js_variables exists, add it to the context if it doesn't , then insert your variables after calling the jsv function in ⎡Python Utils⎦ to ensure it's correctly formatted.

from magi.utils import jsv

if 'js_variables' not in context:
    context['js_variables'] = {}
context['js_variables']['new_variable'] = jsv(new_variable)

↓ Content

→ Next: More

I. Introduction

II. Tutorials

  1. Collections
    1. MagiModel
    2. MagiCollection
    3. MagiForm
    4. MagiFiltersForm
    5. MagiFields
  2. Single pages
  3. Configuring the navbar

III. References

IV. Utils

V. Advanced tutorials

VI. More

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