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MagiCollection settings in Add view

deby edited this page Jul 26, 2022 · 7 revisions

↑ Parent: MagiCollection settings

← Previous: MagiCollection settings in Item view

  • Add views contain the following settings (can be overridden):
Key Value Default Example
after_template Name of a template to include after the form None "include/afterAddCard"
alert_duplicate Should we display a warning that asks users to check if it doesn't already exist before adding it? True
allow_next Will ignore redirect_after_add and will redirect to what's specified in 'next' if speficied True
back_to_list_button Should we display a button to go back to the list view at the end of the form? True
filter_cuteform See ⎡CuteForm⎦. Can be specified in collection.
form_class Form class to add an item. Can be a method (see below). Can be specified in collection. AutoForm IdolForm
max_per_user By default, users can add as many as they'd like. You can restrict to a max number of added per user to avoid spam. ⚠️ Needs a "creation" model field to work! None 3000
max_per_user_per_day Will limit how many a user can add within 24 hours. ⚠️ Needs a "creation" model field to work! None 24
max_per_user_per_hour Will limit how many a user can add within an hour. ⚠️ Needs a "creation" model field to work! None 3
max_per_user_per_minute Will limit how many a user can add within a minute. ⚠️ Needs a "creation" model field to work! None 1
multipart Should the HTML form allow multipart (uploaded files)? Can be specified in collection. False
otherbuttons_template Template path (without .html) for extra buttons at the end of the form None "include/cardsExtraButtons"
savem2m Should we call save_m2m to save the manytomany items after saving this model? Will automatically check for presence of manytomany fields
unique_per_owner Will specify that only one of this item can be added. Will redirect to edit page when trying to add again. False

See also: MagiCollection settings in All views.

  • Add views contain the following methods (can be overridden):
Name Description Parameters Return value Default
get_page_title See Page titles and descriptions type=None Translated string unicode of item
get_h1_title See Page titles and descriptions request, context, type=None list of dict, dict See Page titles and descriptions
check_type_permissions Check if the current user has permissions to add this specific type of item (See Item types). Should raise PermissionDenied if needed. request, context, type=None None None
after_save Function called after the form is saved. Not recommended, override save in your form instead. Can be specified per collection. request, instance, type=None instance Just returns the instance
before_save Function called before the form is saved. Not recommended, override save in your form instead. Can be specified per collection. request, instance, type=None instance Just returns the instance
form_class Form class to add an item. Doesn't have to be a method (see above). Can be specified in collection. request, context A form class AutoForm
quick_add_to_collection (Collectibles only) Will automatically load javascript utility "directAddCollectible" to add to your collection in one click. Will load the form and attempt to submit it in the background, so will only work if all the fields in the form are optional or have a default selected/entered value when the form is loaded. Combined with “unique_per_owner”, will allow users to easily add or delete with one click. request, parent_item True or False False
redirect_after_add Where should the user be redirected after the item has been added successfully? request, item, ajax URL to redirect to Redirect to the item view of the item that has been created if the item view is enabled, otherwise to the list view

See also: MagiCollection methods in All views.

  • Add views provide the following methods (not meant to be overridden):
Name Description Parameters Return value
has_type_permissions Calls check_type_permissions, catches exceptions and returns True or False request, context True or False

See also: MagiCollection methods in All views.

ℹ︎ See also: Views

I. Introduction

II. Tutorials

  1. Collections
    1. MagiModel
    2. MagiCollection
    3. MagiForm
    4. MagiFiltersForm
    5. MagiFields
  2. Single pages
  3. Configuring the navbar

III. References

IV. Utils

V. Advanced tutorials

VI. More

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