Who's that Pokemon? is a "game" that tests a players Pokemon knowledge. You get to watch your score count go up when you choose the correct Pokemon the generated hints point towards.
- Made with vanilla JavaScript
- To practice fetching data from an API that is later stored in an array for the first time ever, while utilizing JavaScript's async/await syntax.
- To test a friend's Pokemon Knowledge.
All images and "hint" keywords are fetched and taken from PokeAPI.
- PokeAPI: https://pokeapi.co/
You are provided with 2 sections, one displays 4 Pokemon and the other displays 3 hints. The three hints point toward ONE of the pokemon. You will be notified if you've chosen correctly, along with the front view of the Pokemon whether correct or not. Watch your score count adjust in the top right.
A container holding all the elements sits at the center of the page. Inside of it, at the top left is the name of the "game" and underneath it are the score counter, Pokemon, and the hints. Four Pokemon have their backs turned to you and when you click on one of them, a "pop up" appears that displays a front view Pokemon and a message. Your decision should be based on the three hints that correspond to the one Pokemon. Whether you choose the correct Pokemon or not, a front view of the correct Pokemon will appear regardless. The only thing that appears different when choosing right or wrong is the message inside of the "pop up". When you continue, the "pop up" closes, the Pokemon and hints refresh, and the score counter adjusts.