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2D plot of the boat

Nanoseb edited this page May 17, 2018 · 5 revisions

Matplotlib Node

A node named debugging_2D_plot_matplot can be run to see a live plot of the boat, it can be used with the simulator, when playing back rosbags or in live when the boat is in the water (see piaccess/

To display the plot just run this line after having launch the launchfile (with roslaunch) or while a rosbag is being played:

rosrun sailing_robot debugging_2D_plot_matplot

If used with a rosbag the parameter file used during the recording should be loaded as well with:

rosparam load  params-dump_XXX_20XX-XX-XXTXX.XX.XX.json


Rviz is a software part of the ROS environment, it is however sometimes hard to make it works specially on virtual machines, if having trouble with it you should use the matplotlib node.

If you want to plot a map bellow the boat the ros package rviz_satellite is needed:

cd path_to_your_repo/sailing-robot/src
git clone
cd ..

Then you can run rviz and use the configuration file: path_to_your_repo/sailing-robot/utilities/config.rviz

You will see the boat and an history over the last 50s.

Rviz visualisation is handled by the node called debugging_2D_plot and works in both simulation and real world (if you receive topics from the boat).


If you have the error: For frame [map]: Fixed Frame [my_frame] does not exist, run the command:

rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 map my_frame 100
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