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Nanoseb edited this page Sep 3, 2016 · 1 revision

If one person is absent, their responsibility is shared amongst the rest, but it is clear what tasks have to be done by someone else now


  • assemble boat
  • attach sails
  • check remote control works
  • tell Nana and Sophia/Thomas when RPi is online;
  • waterproof
  • get ready for calibration
  • set up gopro if we use it


  • set up wifi
  • check wifi laptop can ssh onto boat
  • set up wind sensor

Software setup


  • git pull
  • check if there is a more recent launch file
  • git push if needed
  • set time (if script doesnt work: sudo date -s 2016-08-25T17:30:45 )
  • run roscore
  • run calibration script (compass + wind direction)
  • run launch file check if data from wind direction and compass make sens - apply a heeling angle to the boat and see if the heading changes (topic 'heading')
  • check if sail servo is moving in relation to the wind direction
  • monitor boat position with rviz
  • put the boat in water and check if it actually floats, if not use a buoyancy aid or use autosub code instead of sailing boat one
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