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Power Consumption (Draft)

Thomas Kluyver edited this page Aug 6, 2016 · 2 revisions

Oi this just be a draft first

Did you know that electric products need power to be used?

Really? That's insane.

I know.

Calculated the power consumption of our entire circuit. But just what makes up our circuit?

The Things That Make Up Our Circuit

The things that make up our circuit are:

  • Two Arduino Unos
  • An RPi
  • Two servos: one for the rudder and another for the winch
  • Three sensors: GPS, wind direction and wind speed I think.

So the currents that each use are:

Component Current Usage/mA
Uno(each) 50
RPi 300 max. (all four cores at 100%)
Winch servo 230 (running), 50 (idle)
Rudder servo 140±50 (max), 15 (idle)
GPS 21
Wind direction sensor Wow I don't actually know this please hold
Wind speed sensor Same goes wow what in the world

Wiring circuit

So, we've got two separate circuits, each powered up with a power bank. This one here to be exact I think. The schematics for each circuit are shown right below. This can also be found in this page on its own:

![Is your Internet that bad damn]( (Click on it for full size; opens in a new tab)

For more info on the wirings and stuff, feel free to check out that page.

So How Long Can The Power Banks Stay Alive???

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