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Nanoseb edited this page Sep 3, 2016 · 7 revisions



To calibrate the compass and the wind direction sensor you only need to run ./ while roscore is running and follow the indications on the screen.

Area scanning

Waypoint generation: utilities/

You need a waypoint parameter file with the following points:

Area scanning wp

Then you just have to use that parameter file as an argument for the script:

./ path/waypoints.yaml

And it will create a new parameter file called previous_name_auto_gen.yaml that can be used directly in a launch file.

Note that the points C and D are not mandatory, and can be set to dummy values before the competition (their coordinates can be deduced from A and B)

Analysis: utilities/analyse_area_scanning

This script needs the same parameter file as the waypoint generator script (with A and B), and the gps log file.

./analyse_area_scanning path/waypoints.yaml ../gps-trace.csv

The parameter file used can be either the 'source' file (the one used in argument for the waypoint generator script) or the output of the waypoint generator script

Station keeping

Analysis: utilities/analyse_station_keeping

This script analyses gps log file to compute the score for the station keeping challenge. The path to the gps log file as well as the coordinates of the buoy need to be set as variables at the beginning of the script.

Obstacle avoidance

waypoint generation: utilities/

First you need a waypoint parameter file with wp1~4 defined as follow: Obstacle detection image

Then you can just run the script with the parameter file in argument:

./ path/waypoints.yaml

It will create a new parameter file to be used for the challenge.

Set date and time


This should be run each time we power up the raspi, so that we can find the diagnostic logs later. It will prompt you for the current date, then use the GPS receiver to get the time (UTC), and finally set the raspi's system clock.

Find servo limits


Interactively manipulate a servo to find PWM limits. Key bindings:

  • Left/Right: step pulse down/up
  • Down/Up: set pulse to min/max (1000/2000)
  • Home: set pulse to mid value (1500)

Should only be needed if the physical boat configuration changes

Round buoy

Waypoint generation: utilities/

This script can be used to generate waypoints around a buoy for the boat to round it. The radius at which the waypoint will be from the buoy and the orientation of the path can be set at the beginning of the file. The file only needs as an argument a parameter file with the proper waypoint and will create a new parameter file with the generated waypoints.

./ ../src/sailing_robot/launch/parameters/sailingClub_waypoints.yaml

This script is actually not useful for the competition

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