A project made to solve sudoks using brute force.
The program has two programs of interest: gui.py and sudokuSolver.py. The sudoku board is passed to both programs as text. All square sodukus are allowed (99, 22, 20*20, etc.), and must be formatted in the following way:
- A string of text.
- It must only contain numbers from 1 to the size of the sudoku.
- Empty fields in the sudoku-board are represented with dots.
- The first two numbers of the sudoku string is the number of rows and colums in each subregion on the board (grid).
At run the program will ask the user to input a sudoku in the terminal. The program writes all of the solutions found to the terminal as well as to sudoku.json.
Input a sudoku in the "Submit sudoku" field and click "Submit sudoku". The sudoku should now be displayed in the grid. To solve the sudoku, click "Solve sudoku". If there are multiple solutions, click "Next solution" to view alternative solutions.
- 21.... (2*2 sudoku, 2 solutions)
- 22................ (4*4 sudoku, 288 solutions)
- 23..1..3..........2.26.......3..3..1.2 (6*6 sudoku, 28 solutions)
- 234.1..3..2.......6426.......3..3..1.2 (6*6 sudoku, 1 solution)
- 3353..7....6..195....98....6.8...6...34..8.3..17...2...6.6....28....419..5....8..79 (9*9 sudoku, 1 solution)
- 33.63....85.....1......67..34..57.34..6...2...7..91.42..84..39......5.....59....36. (9*9 sudoku, 1 solution)
Martin Ansteensen 2019