pyTick allows you to load entries to the Tickspot platform
"""pyTick, a CLI Tickspot API wrapper.
It is able to upload entries to Tickspot given the
task_id and the amount of hours.
Dates in tickspot use the format YYYY-mm-dd.
Usage: [--verbose] [--version] [--help] <command> [--] [<args>...]
With command being:
csv Uploads hours from a csv file or stdin
entries Get all entries in a date range
new Create new entries from a file or from arguments
info Return all available tasks or projects.
-h --help Show this screen.
-v --verbose Show arguments.
--version Show version."""
To use it you need to load your credentials into a .env inside the script directory:
userAgent="app_name ("
Your token can be get in the settings section of your account along with your subscriptionID. For your userID it is in the url of your account page.
Upload 2.5 hours (2 hours and 30 minutes) to the task id 9999999 with the note 'Bug crushing' for the 2012-12-11 (11 December 2012). new 9999999 2.5 --note='Bug crushing' --date="2012-12-11"
It makes http requests as tick indicates in their API documentation. Tick just sends and receives json. The ones i work here have a structure like this:
Be careful, I added suffixes to make it more understandable. The figure mentions things like project_id but they just called id when they refer to de entity itself inside of the json file.
- Check you have the dependencies:
dotenv 1.3.4
docopt 0.6.2
pandas 1.3.4
- Clone the repository and run the script inside of the repo directory. CSV files uploads were tested ONLY on the script main directory, so paste them there to guarantee that it will run.