A simple API over Azure Log Analytics. The idea is, you can run this as a Docker container anywhere with some basic configuration, and consume log analytics queries via this API.
This is implemented for a very specific reason that fits a very specific setup. You might consider using Log Analytics APIs directly for less specific scenarios.
The solution uses a docker container to build the solution. Execute this command in the root to build the solution
docker build -t repo/name .
You need following variables to deliver during the container startup:
- SharedAccessSignature - An API Key that you can define on your own. You send this in the header of the call
- TenantId - The Azure AD tenant ID - GUID
- ClientID - A service principal ID that has RBAC access to OMS workspace
- ClientSecret - The service principal Secret
- LogAnalyticsWorkspaceID - The OMS workspace ID - GUID (Get it from Azure Portal)
- LogAnalyticsPrimaryKey - The OMS workspace Primary Key (Get it from Azure Portal)
Once you have these secrets:
docker run -d -p 80:80 -e "SharedAccessSignature=<VALUE>" -e "TenantId=<KEY>" -e "ClientID=<KEY>"
-e "ClientSecret=<KEY>" -e "LogAnalyticsWorkspaceID=<KEY>" -e "LogAnalyticsPrimaryKey=<KEY>" repository/namecontainer:latest
Start the container and then execute a POST request to the following url
POST https://url/api/logs
x-api-key: <SharedAccessSignature>
"customlogType":"Name of the Custom Log Type e.g.",
Start the container and then execute a GET request to the following url
POST https://url/api/logs?query=AzureDiagnostics
x-api-key: <SharedAccessSignature>
Forked from https://github.com/MoimHossain/azure-loganalytics-api