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Mowmaster edited this page Apr 7, 2024 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Pedestals wiki!

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For 1.19+ Users:

Pedestals now requires MowLib to be installed in order to work.

Pedestals in 1.19+ has been completely overhauled compared to 1.16. The main changes to keep in mind:

  • Pedestals now simultaneously transfers Items, Fluids, Energy, and Xp (MowLib custom xp handling) [Maybe gasses in the future???]
  • Upgrades and filters now have a "mode" and a "type" in order to handle this new transfer system, so keep that in mind when setting things up.
  • Insert Items with right click, crouch left click will return up to 1 stack of an item at a time, and left click will return 1 items at a time.
  • Insert Pedestal Modifiers (Glowstone, redstone, upgrades, augments) by first putting it in the offhand and then right clicking, left clicking with one of the tool/normal items in the offhand will attempt to pull out that related inserted item (Filter tool, upgrade tool, tool swapper, augments, etc)

For 1.16 Users:

Recently with more people playing the mod, I've had a lot of comments about the lack of documentation in Pedestals currently. Adding Documentation is coming along, but slowly. We have added a few things in game to help with that:

  • Jei Descriptions: They are 'brief', but generally give you the most needed details required to use the upgrade/Item.
  • Upgrade Tool: Gives more detailed information about pedestals upgraded with Upgrades
  • Linking Tool: Its r-click use on a pedestal will show information about that pedestal. Like its upgrades and what pedestal locations it will send items/exp/energy to, in order, from top to bottom.
  • Patchouli Guide Book: This is generally consistent with the information found here. [Also WIP]
  • Video Tutorial Series: Goes over the Upgrades quickly, but in more detail, and gives in world example of their uses. [Also WIP]

Thank you for your patience, as we continue to add content, and documentation. ~Mow



Getting Started
Info For Pack Devs


Getting Started
Machine Upgrades
Functional Upgrades
Item Transport
(Green Border) Exp Upgrades
(Red Border) Energy Upgrades
(Blue Border) Fluid Upgrades
(Purple Border) Ender Upgrades
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