A tool to randomize the type chart matchup table of various main series Pokémon games. Currently supports:
- Pokemon Red (UE) [S][!].gb
sha1: ea9bcae617fdf159b045185467ae58b2e4a48b9a
- Pokemon Blue (UE) [S][!].gb
sha1: d7037c83e1ae5b39bde3c30787637ba1d4c48ce2
- Pokemon Yellow (UE) [C][!].gbc
sha1: cc7d03262ebfaf2f06772c1a480c7d9d5f4a38e1
- Pokemon - Gold Version (UE) [C][!].gbc
sha1: d8b8a3600a465308c9953dfa04f0081c05bdcb94
- Pokemon - Silver Version (UE) [C][!].gbc
sha1: 49b163f7e57702bc939d642a18f591de55d92dae
- Pokemon - Crystal Version (UE) (V1.0) [C][!].gbc
sha1: f4cd194bdee0d04ca4eac29e09b8e4e9d818c133
- Pokemon Ruby Version.gba
sha1: f28b6ffc97847e94a6c21a63cacf633ee5c8df1e
- Pokemon Sapphire Version.gba
sha1: 3ccbbd45f8553c36463f13b938e833f652b793e4
- Pokemon - FireRed Version(Rev 1).gba
sha1: dd5945db9b930750cb39d00c84da8571feebf417
- Pokemon - LeafGreen Version(Rev 1).gba
sha1: 7862c67bdecbe21d1d69ce082ce34327e1c6ed5e
- Pokemon Emerald Version.gba
sha1: f3ae088181bf583e55daf962a92bb46f4f1d07b7
As well as the following "speedchoice" ROMs:
- red-speedchoice-v1.1.gbc
sha1: 2559C19E66787FE0012EFD51055EE5FAB7FEB9DB
- crystal-speedchoice-v7.2.gbc
sha1: 19AB11096EB2BA6BF9A8360093B2DDAE3E7ABBAB
- pokeemerald-speedchoice-1.2.1.gba
sha1: C65E8F3DC990484CE522A979CDBCF9732A2F5AAB
- pokeemerald-ex-speedchoice-0.4.0.gba
sha1: 59D4230F0F795F76EE7F344376FD19DA46BC9C02
Currently Dose NOT support:
- older versions of "speedchoice" roms
- non-english versions of pokemon
- pokemon games after gen 3
I would suggest using Demki's tracker found here: https://demki.github.io/poketypechart/
Using that tracker, you can upload the spoiler log .csv file generated by this program to either:
- Double check if you correctly kept track of the type matchups.
- Or if you like, as an easy color coded way to peek at the spoiler log.
IMPORTANT If you would like to randomize the Pokemon or moves / key items,
please use those randomizers first THEN use this tool on the randomized ROMs
First run the '.exe' file from the dist.zip folder, Download from 'Releases'.
Click 'OpenROM' and select a clean or randomized ROM (Make sure the base ROM is supported by this randomizer!)
Make sure the correct Gen is selected for the game you are randomizing.
Use Gen6+ for EX, and Gen2+ for Gen 2 / Gen 3. Gen 1 for Gen 1 games.
Then select the settings you want for generating a random Type Chart using the Sliders.
If you would like a completely random type chart (very unbalanced) have each slider set to it's minimum and maximum values.
Click on 'Example=>' to generate an example chart to get a feel for the settings.
For a Gen 1 game consider checking "Replace Dragon Rage?" to replace dragon rage with Dragon Breath. (optional)
Click on 'Randomize ROM' and specify the seed (or leave blank for a random one)
then name the randomized Pokemon ROM, a spoiler log .csv file will be generated with the same name.
To make a custom type chart click on the 'edit' check mark box,
and use the four buttons on top to modify the current type chart however you wish.
Then click on 'Save ROM using Example Chart' to generate a ROM with a custom type chart.
If you have any issues / suggestions please reach out to me on discord or report an issue to the github.
Discord username: NPO#5612